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BLC Statement on the False Accusations against the Organization

By Burma Lawyers Council  •  February 5, 2010

1. On 27 January 2010, the SPDC Ministry of Home Affairs held a press conference in which it accused the Burma Lawyers’ Council (BLC) of being involved in several explosions inside Burma.  We the BLC denounce the SPDC for falsely and groundlessly accusing the BLC of those violent events.

2. Contrary to the SPDC statement, the BLC does not have any communication whatsoever with any individual or group involved in the explosions.

3.  Since the BLC was formed over 15 years ago, we have not been involved in any sort of violent activities of any kind.  Likewise, in the future we would not become involved in any acts of such violence.

4.  Regarding the military junta’s commission of heinous crimes in Burma, the BLC has been cooperating with international legal and human rights organizations to bring the perpetrators to justice.

5.  Moreover, the BLC has already released several statements regarding the legal flaws of the SPDC’s 2008 constitution and urging the people not to vote in the upcoming 2010 elections which are likely to be neither free nor fair and will serve to legitimize the rule of the junta.

6. The BLC advocates for the use of international and other existing laws impartially for justice to prevail in Burma.  The SPDC has been attempting to destroy the strength and energy of the BLC by intentionally misleading the local and international communities through its false and fraudulent accusation of “terrorism.”  This kind of groundless accusation is an obvious shameless ploy of the SPDC Ministry of Home Affairs.


U Thein Oo
Chairman of the Burma Lawyers’ Council
Phone: (66) 089 203 2972


This post is in: Press Release

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