As the Obama administration turns to the thorny issue of engaging Burma’s authoritarian government, a new Asia Society Task Force report offers a detailed strategy that positions the United States to respond effectively and flexibly to the twists and turns that a potential transition in Burma may take over time. The stakes are high. With Burma’s military leaders preparing to convene elections later this year, a comprehensive U.S. approach—taken in concert with regional and international partners—provides the best hope for bringing Burma into the world community. The Task Force’s report, entitled Current Realities and Future Possibilities in Burma: Options for U.S. Policy, recommends framing U.S. policy toward Burma based on changes taking place in the country with careful consideration of how the instruments at its disposal, including both the engagement and sanctions sides of the equation, can be tapped to encourage political and economic reform.
Download the Executive Summary in English or Burmese
Tags: Asia Society, United StatesThis post is in: International Relations
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