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Press Release on 1st Meeting Between KNU Delegation and Union-Level Peace Delegation

By Karen National Union  •  April 7, 2012

The 1st meeting between the KNU Delegation and the Union-Level Peace Delegation was held on April 6, 2012 in Rangoon.

The union-level meeting was attended by 19-member delegation, including 7 ministers led by Railways Minister U Aung Min, on the side of government of the Republic of the Union of Burma (Myanmar) and the 14-member delegation led by General Secretary Naw Zipporah Sein on the side of the KNU.

At the meeting, agreement to be implemented by both sides was adopted for the realization of ceasefire in practice, trust building and guarantee for security of the people.

The following 6 points were focused on in discussions at the meeting.

  1. To establish nationwide ceasefire – establishing ceasefire especially in the ethnic nationality regions.
  2. To guarantee life security and freedom from fear of the people.
  3. To establish a state among the people to acquire confidence.
  4. To stop the practice of forced labor and cash collection by various means, including demand of cash as donation and by other means.
  5. To release political prisoners and resolve rehabilitation and land problems of the people.
  6. To start arrangement for monitoring, analyzing and rectifying the peace process.

Agreement was reached at the meeting regarding the code of conduct for ceasefire, relating to the 6 points above, to be followed by both sides, for having a monitoring team and for implementation of the 13-point decision of the meeting for security of life of the people.

The KNU will continue to hold meetings with the Burmese (Myanmar) government, systematically, until the goal of genuine peace in Burma (Myanmar) is reached.

Contact points:
Naw May Oo Mudraw – Mobile (0095) 9 857 5142
Saw Gweh Htoo Win – Mobile (0095) 941 981237
Email: [email protected]

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