At the start of the current peace negotiation process between the KNPP and the Government of Burma the Karenni Civil Societies Network (KCSN) released a statement welcoming the talks, and is continuing to monitor closely the peace process between the two parties.
KCSN believes that only through negotiation between both parties to seek solutions to the problems in Karenni State, as agreed during the State Level and Union Level talks, can genuine and permanent peace be achieved. To reach sustainable peace, there must be mutual respect, mutual trust building, and cooperation in implementing the ceasefire agreements, not only in words but through practical action.
During President Thein Sein’s inaugural speech, he laid down plans for reform and stated that to establish lasting peace in the country, the three basic principles of peace, stability, and development must be accepted and established to pave the way for reform.
However, unless there is genuine peace that ensures long-term stability, development projects will bring no sustainable benefit to the people. In Kachin State, during 17 years of ceasefire, large numbers of development projects were set up in Kachin State, but after the breakdown of the ceasefire, a total of 25 bridges were destroyed, 100,000 refugees and IDPs had to flee from their homes, and more than 50 schools had to be closed down. Based on the Kachin people’s experience, it can be concluded that without political settlement that ensures equality for everyone, there can be no sustainable development for the people of Burma.
Download the analysis paper here.
Tags: Ceasefire Agreement, Karenni, Karenni Civil Society Network, PeaceThis post is in: Ethnic Nationalities, Spotlight
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