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UN Security Council Should Refer Burma to ICC over Ethnic Cleansing and Crimes Against Humanity Against Rohingya

By Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK  •  April 22, 2013

The Burma Rohingya Organisation UK is calling on the British government to support the United Nations Security Council referring Burma to the International Criminal Court.

Human Rights Watch today released a new report ‘All You Can Do is Pray’, which provides evidence of ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity against the Rohingya. The report is available here.

The report also highlighted various forms of government collusion with the violence taking place, and its unwillingness to take effective action to prevent the violence.

“It is clear by now that the government of Burma will not take effective action to prevent violence and hold those responsible accountable,” said Tun Khin, President of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK. “It is only a matter of time before more attacks take place. The international community has a responsibility to act.”

As a member of the United Nations Security Council, the British government should support the referral of Burma to the International Criminal Court, so that a full and independent investigation can take place, and those responsible for violations of international law can be held accountable.

“Every time there has been ethnic cleansing the British government and international community vow, never again,” said Tun Khin, President of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK. “Ethnic cleansing is happening again, this time against the Rohingya, and the British government is failing to act to stop it.”

For more information please contact Tun Khin on +44 7888714866.

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This post is in: Crimes Against Humanity, Press Release

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