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Canadian Burma Ethnic Nationalities Organization Founded at the 2nd Burma Ethnic Nationalities Conference Canada

By Canadian Burma Ethnic Nationalities Organization  •  October 16, 2014

The second Burma Ethnic Nationalities Conference Canada was successfully held on 11-12 October 2014 in Vancouver, Canada. The conference was attended by representatives and members of Burma ethnic communities from across Canada.

The conference brought together ethnic activists and leaders from across Canada face-to-face with each other for the second time since the First Burma Ethnic Nationalities Conference Canada held on 2-3 October 2009 in Toronto, Canada. It provided a rare and important venue to interact, discussed and reviewed wide range of topics including the Panglong agreement and the beginning of the Union of Burma, Human Rights situation in ethnic territories, the peace process, 2008 constitution and the upcoming 2015 election, the role and support from Canada and international community.

The Conference unanimously agreed the followings:

  • The genuine federal union of Burma can be achieved through political solution based on the Panglong spirit.
  • Systematic human rights abuses are continuing in the ethnic regions and across Burma under the quasi civilian government.
  • There has not been tangible sustainable agreement after numerous rounds of peace talks. The National Ceasefire Agreement without the code of conduct and political dialogue toward federal union will not attain sustainable peace in Burma.
  • 2015 election under 2008 Nargis Constitution will not be fair or democratic. We believe that the superficial amendments of the 2008 Constitution will not meet the criteria of the planned 2015 democratic election.
  • The international support and pressure played an important role in President Thein Sein’s reform process. Therefore, Canada together with international communities must continue appropriate pressure as that will play an important role in improving human rights situation, and in establishing a peaceful prosperous genuine federal union of Burma.

The second day of the conference was a closed-door session open to selected participants and representatives of Burma ethnic nationalities in Canada. This session allowed the delegates to hold a strategy workshop where they explored strategies and future activities.

In an effort to represent the voices and the concerns of ethnic nationalities in Burma on the international arena as well as to assist social and cultural matters of Burma Ethnic Nationalities in Canada, the Canadian Burma Ethnic Nationalities Organization (CBENO) was established by the conference as a common advocacy platform for ethnic nationalities living in Canada. CBENO officers and executive committee members were elected on the last day of the conference. CBENO replaced the Burma Ethnic Nationalities Network- Canada (BENN) founded at the first Burma Ethnic Nationalities Conference Canada.

CBENO is a non-profit and nationwide organization with the following goals and objectives:

Advocacy for Burma Ethnic Nationalities

More fellowship of Ethnic Nationalities

Broaden the awareness of the Burma ethnic people’s culture and plights

Cooperating with like-minded Canadians

Foster potential areas of cooperation with Canadian government and organizations for the development and benefits of the people in the ethnic regions and two countries (Canada
and Burma)

Help promoting Canada’s value and interests

Conduct research on contemporary issues, stay up-to-date about situations in Burma; and provide insight to interested parties in promoting the Canada’s relations with ethnic
nationalities in Burma.

CBENO is grateful for Canada’s principled support for human rights, democratic governance, and development assistance in Burma. Canadian humanitarian assistance for the refugees and support for the capacity building help save lives and empower the grass roots.

CBENO is a peaceful and harmonious co-existent Organization in the global societies and looking forward to working with like-minded individuals and groups who have a common interest with us.

Canadian Burma Ethnic Nationalities Organization (CBENO)

Media Contact:
Zaw Wai Kyaw               Saion Nammao           Slone Phan
President                      Vice President            General Secretary
1 416 358 2138           1 778 839 4462         1 204 229 6613

Email: [email protected]

Download the press release here.

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