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Central Standing Committee after 15th KNU Congress Third Emergency Meeting Statement

By Karen National Union  •  October 29, 2014

1. Karen National Union (KNU) Central Standing Committee (CSC) third emergency meeting was held successfully from October 23 to 29. The emergency meeting was attended by 47 out of 50 CSC members.

2. The CSC emergency meeting reviewed and discussed, openly and constructively, on the current political situation of Burma, the situation of own organization, work relating to alliances, nationwide ceasefire matter and the negotiation processes.

3. In accordance with the KNU Congress resolution, in order to discuss the political problems politicallyin the peace process currently being implemented, and to commence inclusive political dialogue from nationwide ceasefire,the KNU will cooperate with the ethnic armed organizations, political parties and political forces.

4. In accordance with the plan laid down by the 15th Congress for reuniting the armed organizations, which had split from the KNU, the Committee for Reunification of Karen Armed Organizations, formed by the Central Committee, will continue to realize the reunification.

5. Reunification of the Karen armed organizations under the political leadership of the KNU, or the formation of Kawthoolei Armed Forces (KAF) is accepted, in principle, and the coming KNU Congress will decide so thatthe realization of it shall be undertaken in accordance with the Constitution, political and work programs of the KNU.

6. Regarding the question of rejoining the UNFC, the KNU CSC members discussed and deliberated on seriously, and the temporary suspension of membership will be sustained. During the period of temporary suspension, consultation with the UNFC will be continued and for the realization of the political goals of the ethnic nationalities, the KNU will cooperate, as necessary, with the ethnic armed organizations, individually or in group.

Contact Points:
P’doh Mahn Mahn – Joint Secretary (2) – KNU SHQ – (+66)87-9438750
P’doh Saw Thamain Tun – CEC member – KNU SHQ – (+66)86-211 2745

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