Statement of civil society organization on students’ actions against National Education Law following the overdue 60-day deadline for negotiation
by 63 Civil Society Organizations •
January 23, 2015
Statement of civil society organization on students’ actions against National Education Law following the overdue 60-day deadline for negotiation
- Education sector reform during transition period is very important and vital for the future of Myanmar
- The 60-day period for negotiation declared by students has passed and students have resumed their protest activities against the National Education Law. Student from Mandalay have begun their march from Mandalay to Yangon on the 20 January while students from other parts of the country have carried out their protest activities in their respective areas as well.
- We, the undersigned civil society organizations,fully support the student’s demand for negotiation for 11 points of amendments to the National Education Law which are important and fundamental requirement for Myanmar’s future democratic education system.
- Weurge the government authorities to completely avoid committing any kind of violence against the students whether it is during the daytime when students are carrying out their protest activities or night time when students are resting and violence against them will go unseen.
- We also urge the government and parliaments to begin dialogue with the students for amendment of the National Education Law without delay and resolve the matter peacefully.
- We strongly urge the international community especially international governments and international non-governmental organizations providing either financial and/or technical assistances for education sector reform to ensure that the objectives of their assistances is to genuinely and effectively support the National Education Law’s compliance with democracy and human rights principles and to encourage the Myanmar government and parliament to begin dialogue with students.
Endorsed by
- အၾကမ္းမဖက္တရားမွ်တမႈေပၚေပါက္ေရးလႈပ္ရွားမႈေကာ္မတီ
- အၿဖဴေရာင္တြဲလက္မ်ား
- လူမႈဘ၀ ဖြံ ့ၿဖိဳးတုိးတတ္ေရးအဖြဲ ့
- National Youth Congress (အမ်ိဳးသားလူငယ္ကြန္ဂရက္)
- Action Committee for Democracy and Development (ACDD)
- Generation Wave
- Public Welfare Network
- ကရင္နီျပည္ လူငယ္မ်ား သမဂၢ (UKSY)
- Triangle Women Support Group
- သင့္ျမတ္လိုသူမ်ား ဘာသာေပါင္းစံု လူငယ္မ်ားအဖဲြ႔
- Human Rights Defenders and Promoters-HRDP
- Green Network Sustainable Environment Group, Magway
- Magway EITI Watch Group, Magway.
- Hands of Unity Group, Magway
- Management & English Learning Center, Magway
- Social Care Volunteer Group, Magway
- Farmer Right and Development Organization, Magway
- Mintae’ Village Development Group, Pwint Byu
- Organic Agro & Farmer Affair Development Group, Pwint Byu
- Green Future Environmental Activities Group, Yenangyaung
- ပံုေတာင္ပံုညာ ေစာင့္ႀကည့္ေရးအဖြဲ႔, ထီးလင္း
- ေက်ာက္ထပ္ေက်းရြာစာႀကည့္တိုက္, အထက္ မင္းလွ
- အနာဂတ္အလင္း
- Freethinkers
- Youth Development Network
- ျကို႔ပင္ေကာက္လူငယ္ကြန္ယက္
- ျငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးလူငယ္အဖြဲ႕ (နတ္တလင္း)
- ဥေပကၡာလူမႈကူညီေရး (ေပါင္းတည္)
- FREELAND Organization (Lashio)
- Northern Shan State Youth Network
- ကရုဏာလက္မ်ား (မိတၳီလာ)
- မိတီၳလာလူငယ္ကြန္ယက္
- ပ်ိဳးခင္းသစ္ေဖာင္ေဒးရွင္း (မအူပင္)
- ComReG
- လက္တြဲကူမယ္ျပည္လူငယ္
- ေမတၱာရိပ္ (ေတာင္ငူ)
- အစၥလာန္လူငယ္အဖြဲ႕
- စိမ္းေရာင္စို (တံတားဦး)
- AWDO ဧရာဝတီ ျမစ္အေနာက္ဖက္ ဖြံၿဖိဳးတိုးတက္ေရးအင္အားစု
- လြတ္လပ္ေသာ အ႐ိႈခ်င္းမ်ားအင္အားစု (ငဖဲၿမိဳ႕၊ မေကြးတိုင္း)
- အထက္ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံေရွ႕ေနမ်ားကြန္ရက္
- Equality Myanmar
- United ACT
- Colors Rainbow
- Ray of Rainbow
- ဧရာဝတီလူငယ္ကြန္ယက္
- မ်ိဳးဆက္သစ္ (ရွမ္းျပည္)
- Farmers and Landworkers Union (Myanmar)
- ကဗ်ာခ်စ္သူမ်ားအသင္း
- Center for Youth and Social Harmony
- Voluntary Internship Program
- Forum for Democracy in Burma
- Students and Youth Congress of Burma
- Burma Partnership
- ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံေရွ႕ေနမ်ားကြန္ယက္
- Women’s League of Burma
- Kaung Rwai Social Action Network
- The Seagull
- ေရႊမင္းသားေဖာင္ေဒးရွင္း
- Mandalay Islam Student Youth (MISY)
- Women and Peace Action Network (Shan State)
- Back Pack Health Workers Team (BPHWT)
- We Generation
Burma Government,
by 63 Civil Society Organizations,
National Education Law,
Peaceful Protest,
students This post is in: Human Rights, Law, Resistance
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