On the eve of the first anniversary of the death of U Win Tin, 20 organisations today call for urgent reform of Burma/Myanmar’s Prisoners of Conscience Affairs Committee.
On 21st April, people around the world will be wearing a blue shirt or blue clothing in memory of U Win Tin, who served nearly 20 years in jail as a political prisoner. U Win Tin famously pledged to wear a blue shirt, the same colour shirt he had to wear in prison, until all political prisoners in Burma were released. #blueshirt4burma
U Win Tin, a journalist and founding member of the National League for Democracy, was one of Burma/Myanmar’s longest serving political prisoners, describing his time in jail from 1989 until 2008 as living in hell.
On the first anniversary of the death of U Win Tin, at least 173 political prisoners remain in Burma/Myanmar’s jails, with a further 316 activists awaiting trial. The number of political prisoners has risen by almost 600 percent since the start of 2014.
Despite hundreds of political prisoners being released from 2011 to 2013, repressive laws remain in place, and new repressive laws, such as the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Law, have been introduced. These laws are being used by the government to intimidate, arrest and jail political activists and peaceful protestors. President Thein Sein did not keep his promise to release all political prisoners by the end of 2013. A new committee formed by the government of Burma/Myanmar to address the issues of political prisoners, the Prisoners of Conscience Affairs Committee, excludes key civil society organisations, including the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners – Burma, the main organisation which works on political prisoner issues.
Fundamental reforms to the Prisoners of Conscience Affairs Committee are needed if it is to start to address the decades-long problem of political prisoners in Burma/Myanmar.
We call for ten key reforms to the Prisoners of Conscience Affairs Committee.
A reformed Prisoners of Conscience Affairs Committee should:
The greatest tribute to the memory of U Win Tin would be to achieve his dream of the release of all political prisoners in Burma/Myanmar. We believe these reforms to the Committee would be a positive step towards achieving that goal.
Signed by
Action Committee for Democracy Development
Actions Birmanie
All Arakan Students’ and Youths’ Congress (AASYC)
Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) AAPP
Association Suisse-Birmanie
Burma Action Ireland
Burma Campaign UK
Burma Link
Burma Partnership
Canadian Burma Ethnic Nationalities Organization
Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Fortify Rights
Forum for Democracy in Burma
Free Burma Campaign (South Africa)
Info Birmanie
Inter Pares
Network for Democracy and Development
Norwegian Burma Committee
Society for Threatened Peoples
Students and Youth Congress of Burma
Swedish Burma Committee
US Campaign for Burma
This post is in: Human Rights, Political Prisoners
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