The armed conflict between the Government of Myanmar and the Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO) broke out again in June 2011. This conflict has displaced over 120,000 civilians to 167 camps across Kachin and northern Shan State. Since 2013, nine local humanitarian organisations formed a Joint Strategy Team for Humanitarian Response in Kachin and Northern Shan State (JST), to provide continuous, quality and effective Humanitarian assistance and protection to the IDPs while coordinating strategically with the UN and International NGOs.
Humanitarian organisations and the UN could not manage to fully meet the international humanitarian minimum standards due to insufficient funding. Furthermore, UN humanitarian agencies and International NGOs could only sporadically access most of the IDP camps in the conflict area due to the lengthy and opaque government permission processes. Local humanitarian organisations have been the primary providers of humanitarian assistance and protection of the rights of displaced civilians.
Partially singed Nationwide Ceasefire agreement and uncertainty in the peace process:
After several rounds of negotiations, Myanmar government’s Union Peace making Work Committee and the Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team have reached an agreement on the wording of the drafted Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). Nationwide ceasefire agreement between the government and eight of Ethnic armed groups was signed on 15 October 2015. However, majority of the ethnic armed groups did not joint yet for signing due to the issue of inclusion of all ethnic armed groups in the process. Conflict continues in Central Shan and Kachin States areas. Without participation of all the ethnic armed groups, it could not guarantee durable peace and will not address the root cased of the conflict.
Increasing military offensives: a threat to life security and dignity of civilians
Regardless of the national wide ceasefire agreement, Myanmar government continues its military offensives. Human right violations and threat to life security and dignity of the civilians are always a great concern in conflict areas in Myanmar. Just days before the general election, the Government Tamadaw launched a major offensive against the Shan State Army (SSA-North) in the central part of Shan State which have displaced more than 10,000 civilians from their villages. On the14th November, fighting broke out again in Moenyin township, Kachin State and affected civilians have to flee from their villages to different directions. Four civilians have been arrested on 17th November and they have not been released yet up to now and we are concerned about their situation. Continuous fighting, use of airstrikes and heavy artillery have intensified fear of civilians and increased anxiety as they are terrified by these incidents. In many instances, Myanmar government not only launched indiscriminate attacks against the civilian settlements, but also blocked the humanitarian assistance. Therefore, security situation in the IDP camps and villages has increasingly deteriorated.
Post General Election
Myanmar’s general election was taken place on 8 November 2015. However, many of IDPs participation in the current election was constrained by the lack of relevant documents to register. Moreover, potential voters in KIO controlled area could not participate as these townships were excluded in the election. National League for Democracy party (NLD) has won landslide election victory and it has now secured enough seats in the Parliament to control the body and choose the country’s president. However, the challenge remains to deal with transition of new government, Myanmar Tatmadaw position upon the remaining ethnic armed group those do not sign yet NCA and broader peace process.
Humanitarian needs
Requests to all stakeholders: Based on the above concerns
I. Must request the warring parties to respect and abide to International Humanitarian Law and Principles and fully respect IDPs Rights:
1. International humanitarian principles, laws and the “UNHCR Durable Solutions Framework” must be respected by Myanmar Government, KIO, and all actors during the humanitarian response and in the implementations of the Return and Resettlement process; ensuring a dignified, safe and voluntary return or resettlement. Land mine issues should be specifically addressed. The IDPs need to be directly involved in planning- implementation of return and resettlement programmes.
III. Should champion the protection of IDPs
IV. Should encourage Aid effectiveness and improving coordination
V. Should encourage civilian and civil society participation in the peace process
Media Contacts:
Gum ShaAwng, [email protected] (+95 95192913)
Tags: Bridging Rural Integrated Development, Grassroot Empowerment, Humanitarian Aid, IDPs, Kachin Baptist Convention, Kachin Development Group, Kachin Relief and Development Committee, Kachin State, Kachin Women Association, Karuna Mission Social Solidarity, Metta Development Foundation, Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement, NGOs, Nyein(Shalom) Foundation and Wunpawng Ninghtoi, Shan StateThis post is in: Press Release
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