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Burma Update: Election Laws and Forming the Union Election Commission

By Political Defiance Committee, National Council of the Union of Burma  •  March 11, 2010

An analysis of the Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law and the Amyotha Hluttaw Election Law, which stipulate that 25 percent of seats in each House of the government must be filled by members of the military.

The Update also lists the members of the Union Election Commission as the following:

  1. U Thein Soe – Chairman
  2. U In Zaw Naw
  3. U Khin Maung Nu
  4. U Soe Ba Hlaing
  5. Dr. Ba Maung
  6. U Nyunt Tin
  7. U Maung Tha Hla
  8. Dr. Sai Khum Hlaing
  9. U Aung Myint
  10. U Myint Naing
  11. Dr. Tin Aung Aye
  12. Dr. Daw Myint Kyi
  13. Daw Khin Hla Myint
  14. U Tha Oo
  15. Dr. Maung Htoo
  16. U Tha Htay
  17. U Win Kyi

Download the full update.

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