Statement No. -05/06/Head-10
1. We the NDF denounce the Election Laws from Number 1/2010 to 5/2010 promulgated by the SPDC military clique on March 8, 2010, as they are completely devoid of fairness and as they will not lead to establishment of the basic rights of the ethnic nationalities and basic democratic structures.
2. The laws eliminate all the political parties, including the NLD and the ethnic parties, failing to follow the rules and regulations, imposed one-sidedly by the SPDC, and unfairly limit participation of the public in politics. For that reason, a number of the world’s leading governments and the UN have pointed out the fact that not only all the political parties will not be able to participate in the elections to be held by the military clique, but there will also be no freedom and fairness.
3. Similarly, as the ethnic states and regions will be administered by the military representatives and proxy representatives of the military, to be gained one-sidedly through the elections, there will be no ethnic rights and the genuine Union demanded by the ethnic nationalities. Just as the SPDC itself is oppressively ruling the Burmese people, the SPDC has created, by force, conditions for oppressive rule in the ethnic areas by its ethnic cronies.
4. Giving full powers to the election commission, to be controlled by the military leaders, to disqualify the political parties and members of parliament at any time, is a preparation for total control of the parliament by the military. Getting 25% of seats in parliament automatically and additionally controlling the entire parliament by the military show the total absence of democratic norms.
5. Invalidating the result of 1990 elections by the Election Law 3/2010 is an insult to the entire people who had voted in the elections. This shows that the SPDC will abrogate the will of the voters in the coming elections if things go against its expectations. Additionally, the SPDC is reaffirming in a way that it has no desire to resolve the political problems politically, through negotiations and absolutely rejected the Shwegon Daing Declaration of NLD.
6. By various means, the military leaders are destroying the legitimacy of the NLD and the ethnic parties, which had received massive support from the people in 1990, and the legitimacy of resistance organizations which represent the entire ethnic populations. At this point, we the NDF would like to affirm our support and belief in the NLD and the ethnic political parties, which have received legitimacy on the basis massive support from the people, and the legitimacy of the ethnic resistance organizations representing the ethnic peoples.
7. Accordingly, the ethnic and democratic forces, at home and abroad must continue resistance,by various means, against the SPDC military clique, which is unilaterally endeavoring to perpetuate the rule of military dictatorship, in opposition to the policy of resolving political problems politically, by peaceful means. In accordance with our declared position to oppose explicitly the SPDC military clique’s 7-step road map, the 2008 constitution and the 2010 elections, we the NDF hereby declare our position to continue our struggle, hand in hand with the entire people made up of various ethnic nationalities, until the final goal is reached.
“Victory through Alliance”
Central Executive Committee
National Democratic Front (NDF)
Contact: (66) 086 206 4045, (66) 082 885 7963
Download the statement in Burmese.
Tags: 2010 Elections, Burmese, Election Laws, National Democratic FrontThis post is in: Press Release
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