On July 8th 2015, a female villager named Naw D—, from G— village, reported to KHRG that on the evening of July 6th 2015, Tatmadaw soldiers began firing small machine guns and grenade launchers at the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA)[2]camp in Waw Poo Bridge area, Meh Th’Waw village. Villagers who live in the villages near the location where the fighting took place have fled from their villages for their own safety.
Another female villager named Naw E— reported to KHRG that two villagers were shot and killed between Bway Moh Hklay and Beh Htee Hta villages by Tatmadaw soldiers at around 7:00 pm on July 6th 2015, whilst they were on their way back to Beh Htee Hta village. According to Naw E—, neither of the villagers knew that Tatmadaw soldiers had taken up position for battle on the day that they travelled. Therefore, they were walking on a path where the Tatmadaw soldiers were positioned and they were shot dead. One of the victims was a 17-year-old boy and the other was 21 years old. The 21-year-old villager left behind a wife and a child. Relatives of the two dead villagers tried to retrieve the dead bodies, but the Tatmadaw soldiers did not allow them to. Naw E— also added that on July 7th 2015, five Tatmadaw military trucks came to Meh Th’Waw village area and their helicopter was flying over the area. The clashes started again around 5:30 pm on July 7th 2015 and continued until 8:00 pm.
On July 11th 2015, Naw E— reported to KHRG that the relatives of the two dead villagers were later permitted to retrieve their bodies several days after the incident took place.
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Tags: Human Rights, Karen Human Rights Group, Karen State, the Democratic Karen Benevolent ArmyThis post is in: ASEAN, Children and Youth, Crimes Against Humanity, Displacement, Ethnic Nationalities, Human Rights
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