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Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the Burmese National Elections

By Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau  •  November 10, 2015

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today issued the following statement to congratulate the people of Burma on the country’s national elections:

“I would like to congratulate the people of Burma for the historic national elections which took place on Sunday, November 8, 2015. The eagerness and enthusiasm displayed by the Burmese people in exercising their right to vote demonstrates clearly that they are committed to building their young democracy.

“Burma’s national electoral commission must also be congratulated for the role it played in bringing these peaceful elections to fruition. Despite structural challenges in the process, these elections mark an important milestone in Burma’s continued transition to a more open and democratic society.

“Canadian electoral observers will continue to monitor developments as votes are counted and official results become known.

“We encourage all parties to work together to ensure that any disputes and discrepancies are addressed in a constructive manner and that a peaceful transition to the newly elected government ensues. The people of Burma deserve nothing less.”

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This post is in: 2015 Burma Elections, Press Release

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