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Strong and Unequivocal Condemnation of Malicious Threats and Extremist Activities

By Burmese Musliim Association  •  August 3, 2016

1. The international terrorist group ISIS has made threats targeting the Prime Minister of Malaysia and other high government officials. It is especially worrisome and of great concern, that the State Counsellor of Burma Daw Aung Suu Kyi is also named as one of the targets.

2. Citizens of Burma who belong to the religion of Islam, have always cherished the peaceful teachings of Islam, and have always avoided violent and extremist activities.

3. Since the year 2012, though there has been daily, incessant, free and unfettered, defamation of Burmese Muslims and the religion of Islam, using a variety of methods, Burmese Muslims have done their best to shun violence, and borne the attacks with a great deal of forbearance and remarkable equanimity.

4. In the history of Burma, there has been no record of Burmese Muslims being the perpetrators of aggression and violent activities, but happen to be the victims who suffered many indignities and extremist activities.
5. It is high time to stop scapegoating and unfairly blaming, the Burmese Muslims, whenever there are violent activities happening inside the country. Also, whenever there are violent terrorist activities happening around the world, Burmese Muslims who have no connections and no relations to such incidents and activities, should be shielded from unfair innuendos and outright and blatant, finger pointing.

6. The Burmese Muslims, strongly and vigorously, condemn and denunciate, each and all, terrorist threats and violent activities without any reservation or equivocation.

7. Burmese Muslims will never participate in illegal or extremist activities. Also, whether the malicious threats and extremist activities, are emanating domestically or originating externally, we intend to stand, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, with people of goodwill, of all religions and ethnic backgrounds, united, in countering all enemies of peace and tranquility.


Media Contacts:
Ko Kyaw Zwa +44 782 842 6801 (UK) [email protected]
Daw Molly +1 416 516 7383 (Canada) [email protected];
Ko Kyaw Win +44 740 345 2378 (UK) [email protected];
Ko Myo Win +95 950 70304 (Burma) [email protected];
Ma Yasmin +1 408 250 6227 (USA) [email protected];

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