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Parliamentarians Issue Petition to ASEAN Leaders

By Asean Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus  •  April 7, 2010

To ASEAN Leaders attending 16th ASEAN Summit (Hanoi, Vietnam) to take action on the issue of Myanmar should further engagement fail to yield desirable concessions/ results.

On 8 March 2010, the military government of Myanmar published new laws governing the electoral process for the nation’s general elections planned for later this year. Numerous provisions in the laws guarantee that the elections will not be open and inclusive of Myanmar’s diverse population, notably excluding participation of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and Myanmar’s leading pro-democracy icon, Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners who form a substantial share of the leadership of non-military-aligned movements and political parties.

With the promulgation of these apparent biased laws, clearly aimed at preventing opposition parties and candidates from contesting the elections, the regime has forfeited its best opportunity to show willingness to engage in an inclusive process of national reconciliation and the establishment of a lawful and democratic government for the Union of Myanmar. In light of this fact, ASEAN and individual governments of its member States must undertake resolute actions to convey to Myanmar’s military dictators that its disregard for principles of democratic governance and human rights is unacceptable and no longer tolerable by its regional neighbours.

Because of the exclusionary provisions of the election laws and the fundamental flaws in the country’s Constitution, enacted in 2008, under which the elections will be held, the results of the elections cannot be acknowledged or accepted by ASEAN, both morally and politically.

Furthermore, the elections are evidently designed to do nothing more than firmly entrench the military’s role in the future governance of Myanmar. The elections will in no way facilitate the formation of a representative, democratic government. If Myanmar insists on conducting the elections without reviewing and revising the 2008 Constitution and the election laws, it leaves ASEAN with no choice but to reject the results of the planned elections.

As Myanmar has thus far ignored ASEAN’s calls to reform and has not been positively influenced by the policy of ‘constructive engagement,’ a new and more decisive course of action must be undertaken. ASEAN should immediately enact strict and targeted economic sanctions against Myanmar’s military government.

Despite large budget surpluses generated from regional trade, the regime has done nothing to improve the welfare of its citizens. The living standards of average citizens have fallen desperately low while members of the military regime and their associates have grown increasingly wealthy off profits from the exploitation of Myanmar’s vast natural resources. Targeted sanctions would effectively cut the economic lifeline of these corrupt leaders and compel them to begin genuine dialogue and reforms.

Furthermore, Myanmar has categorically failed to uphold its responsibilities and adhere to the principles enshrined in the ASEAN Charter. It should, therefore, be immediately suspended from the grouping and its permanent expulsion earnestly considered. Simultaneously, ASEAN should support, if not propose, to the United Nations Security Council that an arms embargo and most importantly a Commission of Inquiry on crimes against humanity be brought on Myanmar, as recommended by the UN Special Rapportuer on Human Rights, Tomas Ojae Quintana.

Immediate, substantial and effective action must be taken as all forms of constructive engagement with Myanmar’s military regime have undoubtedly failed.

We, the undersigned Parliamentarians, out of concern for the welfare and security of our regional friends – the citizens of Myanmar – call on our respective national governments and ASEAN to pursue the above-mentioned actions. We believe that with firm pressure the military government of Myanmar can be compelled to finally resolve the long-standing political and civil conflicts that plague the country, resulting in not only a more secure and democratic Myanmar but also a more respectable, credible, secure and stronger region.

We, the undersigned Parliamentarians, out of concern for the welfare and security of our regional friends – the citizens of Myanmar – call on our respective national governments and ASEAN to pursue the above-mentioned actions. We believe that with firm pressure the military government of Myanmar can be compelled to finally resolve the long-standing political and civil conflicts that plague the country, resulting in not only a more secure and democratic Myanmar but also a more respectable, credible, secure and stronger region.

Drs. H. A. Murady Darmansjah
Dra. Susaningtyas Nefo Handayani
Kertopati, M.Si.
Dra. Hj. Soemintarsih Muntoro, M.Si
Drs. Akbar Faisal, M.Si.
H. Ahmad Muzani
Ir. Chandra Tirta Wijaya
Viva Yoga Mauladi, M.Si.
Laurens Bahang Dama
Muh. Hanif Dhakiri
Hj. Lili Chodidjah Wahid
Abdul Hamid Wahid, M.Ag
Ir. Nur Yasin, M.B.A
Hj. Anna Mu’awanah, SE. MH
Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin
Hj. Dewi Asmara, SH.
Nurul Arifin, S.IP, M.Si
Dr. (HC) Ir. H. Siswono Yudo Husodo
H. Bambang Soesatyo, SE., M.B.A
H. Dito Ganinduto, M.B.A
Dr. Ir. Hrtifah, M.P.P
Dra. Hj. Oelfah A. Syahrullah Harmanto
Ir. A. Edwin Kawilarang
Irene Manibuy, S.H
Maiyasyak Johan, SH., MH.
Drs. H. Ahmad Kurdi Moekri
M. Romahurmuziy, ST. MT
Dr. Yasonna H. Laoly, SH. M.Sc
Drs. Helmi Fauzy
Drs. Sidarto Danusubroto, SH.
Evita Nursanty
Budiman Sudjatmiko, M.Sc, M.Phil.
Prof. DR. Hendrawan Supratikno
Ir. H. Dadoes Soemarwanto, M.Arch
Dra. Eva Kusuma Sundari, MA. MDE
I Gusti Agung Rai Wirajaya, SE. MM.
Dr. Karolin Margret Natasa
Honing Sanny
Teresa Kok
Lim Kit Siang
Tian Chua
Fong Po Kuan
Tony Pua
Nurul Izzah Anwar
Teo Nie Ching
Charles Santiago
Chow Kon Yeow
Er Teck Hwa
Lim Lip Eng
M. Kula Segaran
Johari Abdul
Sim Tong Him
Sivarasa Rasiah
Fong Kui Lun
Liew Chin Tong
Gobalakrishnan N.
Jeyakumar Devaraj
M. Manogaran
Chong Eng
Salahuddin Ayub
Abdul Aziz Abdul Kadir
Amran Abdul Ghani
Hee Loy Sian
Gwo Burne Loh
Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid
Tan Kok Wai
Mohamed Azmin Ali
Zuraida Kamaruddin
Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri
Ahmad bin Kasim
Saifuddin Nasution Ismail
Zainal Abidin Ahmad
Azan bin Ismail
Rashid bin Din
Yusmadi Yusoff
William Leong
Chong Chieng Jen
Sam Rainsy
Son Chhay
Yim Sovann
Tioulong Saumura
Mao Munyvann
Cheam Channy
Thak Lany
Kimsour Phirith
Eng Chhai Eang
Cjiv Cata
Ho Vann
Ly Srey Vyna
Yont Tharo
Chan Cheng
Lhim Laky
Nuth Rumduol
Men Sothavarin
Khy Vandeth
Long Ry
Chea Poch
Kong Bora
Tok Vanchan
Ke Sovannaroth
Kem Sokha

Ana Theresia Hontiveros Baraquel
Lorenzo Tanada III

Charles Chong

Petition hosted by the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus.

For more information email: [email protected]

18-2 Commercial Centre, Taman Abadi Indah, Off Jalan Klang Lama, 58100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,

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