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Message from the headquarters of the Karenni National Progressive Party on the occasion of the 135 Anniversary of the Karenni National Day

By Karenni National Progressive Party  •  June 21, 2010

We wish all our beloved Karenni brothers and sisters dwelling within and outside the state, good health and hearts filled with glory on this special day.

As a result of the atrocities perpetuated by successive Burman dictators who not only invaded our Karenni homeland, but also oppress and murder our people, and frequently loot and burn down villages, many Karenni civilians are constantly on the move, hiding in temporary shelters. Many civilians have also had to flee to neighboring countries and others are now resettled in third countries, since they lost all hope as a return to our homeland is nowhere in sight. The blame for this despair and the scattering of our people rests solely with the chauvinistic Burman invaders.

We Karenni are a nation of people who value our identity, culture and language, so it is no wonder that despite all that we have suffered we continue to celebrate our traditional ceremonies and preserve our national culture, beliefs and heritage wherever we are.

A significant characteristic of the Karenni people is their unbreakable unity and loyalty to the national cause throughout history.

The Karenni are one of three branches of the Karen people that descended from the Mongolian plateau. They established their homeland in the area which now forms the Karenni State about BC 739.

Soon after settling in their new homeland, the Karenni people were attacked from the north by a Yuan feudal king who occupied the Karenni territory, following which the Yuan oppressed the Karenni people for almost a hundred year. The Karenni were also attacked many times by Burman kings, but they never fell into the hands of the Burmans until 1948 when they were betrayed by some of their own leaders who, against the wishes of the people, agreed to become part of the Union of Burma when it gained independence from the British in 1948. When the Karenni opposed this, the Burmans invaded Karenni by force in August 1948. It was the beginning of the Karenni national movement which continues to this day.

We honor all those who have sacrificed their lives for the Karenni people throughout the years of this resistance. It is the duty of all Karenni people to continue the work of our past leaders, comrades and people and shoulder the responsibility of seeing this resistance through to a satisfactory conclusion for the benefit of our nation.

In conclusion, we would like to encourage the Karenni people, both those living in the State and in other countries, to work hand‐in‐hand to fulfill our unfinished historic duty to the est of our ability to bring about the prosperity and betterment of all the Karenni people.

Karenni National Progressive Party

Read the background on Karenni National Day.

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