July 26, 2010
Dear honorable Prime Minister,
Burmese pro-democracy movement in India is outraged by the visit of the most brutal military dictator of Burma to India. His presence would disgrace Republic of India. The world knows well that Senior General Than Shwe has killed innocent unarmed protesters including Buddhist monks. The junta also detained the Nehru Award holder Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for bogus reasons for many years.
We are hard to comprehend Indian governments’ approach towards Burma because India is the largest democracy and known for practice of nonviolence and high moral ground. The people of Burma clearly see that the monk-killer is visiting India where Gautam Buddha was born. The junta’s promises to India have never fulfilled.
As expressed repeatedly before we impatiently want India’s effective and stronger support for democratization in Burma. We think the neighbors which have had cooperated the military regime for decades should review their failed Burma policy this time. We are encouraged by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have abandoned the no-word or sweet-word tradition and called for free, fair, and inclusive election. We sincerely contemplate that India can do more than that.
Burmese military chief will ask for India’s endorsement for the upcoming election to be held in a few months. But that election in Burma will not bring any change for good. It will be worthy neither for the people of Burma nor for the people of India. So far no country on the world is ready to support that sham election. We strongly hope that India will not give clean chit to the 2010 election.
We excitedly want India to press the junta leader for credible election in which Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her party as well as ethnic parties which genuinely represent their respective nationalities can freely participate. We will also be overwhelmed if the Prime Minister of India would seek for immediate release of Daw Suu and all political prisoners.
We do understand India’s security concerns and business opportunities to be secured out of principled Indo-Burma relation. But we would like to assure that India’s national interests will be enhanced only if democracy is restored in Burma.
Burmese pro-democracy movement in India
For more information please contact:
Mr. Kim: +91 880-041-44-83
Ms. Thin Thin Aung: +91 989-125-2316
Tags: ASEAN, Burmese pro-democracy movement in India, India, Senior General Than ShweThis post is in: Press Release
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