Democratic elections, a liberty many take for granted.
In Burma 2010, what chance is there that elections will be free and fair for all?
In February and March Burma Issues’ video team and Karen Youth Organization went on a trip inside Burma. Armed with video cameras about the upcoming election in 2010 they tried to inform local people of their human rights to a free and fair election. On the course of the trip, the voices of those speaking about the 2010 elections were collected.
To bring true and lasting peace in Burma there must be justice at all levels. The grassroots people participation in decision making is a right. Burma is holding general elections in 2010, but will there be a free and fair election? We asked the grassroots people the following questions:
Do people in rural areas receive information about this election? Do people understand what the election means? Do people know that they have right to vote free? How do people think about these elections and do they support it?
The people of Burma deserve what we take for granted.
A FREE and FAIR election and a future for their children.
Burma Issues is a non-profit organization and is committed to build a long term grassroots –based movement based on village level wisdom, experiences, culture and needs. Burma Issues focus specifically on the tasks of movement building grassroots education and community organizing rather then on solving immediate problems.
Tags: 2010 Elections, Burma Issues, Karen Youth Organization, VideoThis post is in: Blog
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