The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 64/238 and covers the period from 26 August 2009 to 25 August 2010. Upon the reassignment of Ibrahim Gambari on 1 January 2010, I designated my Chef de Cabinet, Vijay Nambiar, as Special Adviser to oversee the good offices mandate.
Since my last visit to Myanmar in July 2009, there have been some signs of flexibility from the Myanmar authorities in response to my proposals, such as the release, on 17 September 2009, of over 130 political prisoners as part of a broader amnesty. However, the detention of other political prisoners and the continued house arrest of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi remain of grave concern. It is regrettable that further opportunities to advance meaningful political dialogue among key stakeholders have not been pursued.
Throughout the reporting period, continuous efforts were made to engage the Myanmar authorities and key stakeholders, in order to pursue the objectives of the good offices mandate. However, the Government, has not extended an invitation to my
Special Adviser to engage further with the authorities and other concerned parties in the country since my last visit. This lack of meaningful engagement is disappointing. It is also a lost opportunity for Myanmar. Member States have an interest and responsibility to actively ensure that Myanmar extends the necessary cooperation.
Download the full report here.
Tags: UN Secretary-General, United NationsThis post is in: Crimes Against Humanity
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