The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners is releasing the report titled, “Release Over 2200 Political Prisoners NOW!” authored by 12 groups working inside Burma to promote democracy, human rights and national reconciliation. The 12 groups who contributed to this report operate in secret due to the repressive and highly dangerous environment facing human rights defenders and pro-‐democracy activists in Burma.
“In Burma, the authors of this report could face arrest and imprisonment simply for researching and writing it. Despite the risk, they endeavored to have it published. For this reason, AAPP felt it vital to translate the report from Burmese to English and release it internationally”, said Tate Naing, Secretary of AAPP.
By raising awareness at the international level, on behalf of these groups, AAPP hopes to create a safer environment for activists in the country and ensure their voices are still heard through the wall of oppression.
“We are providing a voice for those still inside the country who risk their freedom and sometimes their lives to document the abuses that take place. Individuals and organizations are punished for carrying out human rights education and engaging with the international human rights mechanisms. People are imprisoned for simply distributing copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or for communicating with the UN Special Rapporteur,” Tate Naing said.
AAPP will send copies of the report to the UN Special Rapporteur, the UN Secretary General, diplomatic missions and international organizations. “We wanted to honor the bravery of those individuals who work inside Burma to promote human rights and also the sacrifice made by the more than 2,200 people imprisoned for their commitment to freedom and democracy in Burma”.
The report details the situation of Burma’s more than 2200 political prisoners languishing behind bars. Not only does the report highlight the political prisoner situation, but it goes further, emphasizing the importance of the release of all political prisoners to the current and future political situation in Burma.
“The timely release of the report, following the opening of Burma’s new Parliament, serves as a reminder that despite the elections the people of Burma are not free. The existence of over 2200 political prisoners is evidence of that. The release of all political prisoners is a necessary first step in the urgently needed national reconciliation process”, Tate Naing said.
Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma)
For more Information:
Tate Naing (Secretary): +66 (0) 81 287 8751
Bo Kyi (Joint Secretary): +66 (0) 81 962 8713
This post is in: Press Release
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