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Release over 2200 Political Prisoners NOW!

By Assistance Association for Political Prisoners - Burma  •  February 1, 2011

The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners has released a report titled, “Release Over 2200 Political Prisoners NOW!” This report is an effort of 12 groups working inside Burma to promote democracy, human rights and national reconciliation. The 12 groups took a great risk and operated in secret to contribute to the release of this report due to the repressive and highly dangerous environment facing human rights defenders and pro-democracy activists in Burma.

The report details the situation of Burma’s more than 2200 political prisoners languishing behind bars. Not only does the report highlight the political prisoner situation, but it goes further, emphasizing the importance of the release of all political prisoners to the current and future political situation in Burma.

The 20-page report in the end

1.       To the SPDC, calls for the release of all the political prisoners and offers 15 recommendations to carry out before the release of political prisoners.

2.       To the National League for Democracy (NLD), offers four suggestions including for the NLD to consider more effective ways of supporting the political prisoners and expansion of Central Law Support Committee.

3.       To the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), recommends to endeavor to regain permission to enter and freely investigate prisons and provide assistance to prisoners themselves

4.       To the Burmese Communities, requests to find ways to persuade international communities and to raise fund

Download the Report here.

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