On the Edge of Survival released by Chin Human Rights Group (CHRO) is a report about the rat infestation and food crisis in Chin State finds that food shortages have spread to seven townships in Chin State as well as parts of Sagaing Division. Up to 82 percent of the farmland has been destroyed in certain affected regions of Chin State, and large numbers of people are struggling with severe malnutrition, disease, and death.
It is a follow-up to CHRO’s July 2008 report, “Critical Point: Food Scarcity and Hunger in Burma’s Chin State,” which first brought worldwide attention to the dire humanitarian conditions facing the Chin people. This report provides an update on the current conditions in Chin State, the effects of the food crisis, and responses taken to assist people in the affected areas of Chin State.
Tags: Chin Human Rights Organization, Chin State, Food Shortage, RatsThis post is in: Health
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