On 8 May, the Asian NGO Network on National Human Rights Institutions (ANNI), a network of 30 organizations from 17 countries across Asia advocating for the strengthening of the independence and effectiveness of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in Asia along with 25 organizations from Burma, sent letters to President Thein Sein and Thura U Shwe Mann, Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament, about civil society consultation on the enabling law of the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) […]
• • •Mr. President,
It has come to our knowledge that the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) has been tasked with drafting the Commission’s enabling law in collaboration with the President’s Office and that a draft of the legislation will be soon submitted to the Parliament […]
• • •Dear U Shwe Mann,
It has come to our knowledge that the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) has been tasked with drafting the Commission’s enabling law in collaboration with the President’s Office and that a draft of the legislation will be soon submitted to the Parliament […]
• • •The Palaung Women’s Organization (PWO) has urged Myanmar [Burma] National Human Rights Commission to investigate human rights violations, including sexual violence, by Burma army troops […]
• •1. The Rakhine Investigation Commission established with the intention to systematically uncover the root cause of communal violence in Rakhine State and to prevent similar violence from recurrence released its report on 29 April 2013. President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Thein Sein delivered a statement on the report on 6 May 2013 […]
• • •Construction of Daewoo’s Shwe gas project, as well as CNPC’s Maday deep sea port and oil and gas pipeline have damaged our (local people’s) livelihoods and environment in Kyauk Phu Township since 2009. Additionally, there has been ongoing forcible land confiscation, providing no compensation or a limited amount of compensation for the confiscated rice farms and lands […]
• • •Shift’s April 2013 report is designed to assist companies with the challenge of conducting meaningful consultations with stakeholders, as they consider or commence operations in Myanmar. The report (1) provides a survey of stakeholder views regarding the entry of companies into Myanmar; and (2) sets out key elements for companies to consider in their stakeholder engagement strategies […]
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its member organization Altsean-Burma regret that the European Union (EU) has discarded its own benchmarks for reform in order to dismantle sanctions against Burma/Myanmar.
The disposal of this important and legitimate instrument to push forward positive change in the country is inconsistent, as mass atrocities continue in Kachin state and targeted violence endangers Rohingya and other Muslims in the western and central regions. In addition to undermining its own credibility, the EU decision threatens to decelerate the pace of reforms and prolong a state of impunity in Burma/Myanmar […]
• • •Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) today urged the European Union (EU) to ensure that continuing grave violations of human rights, including religious freedom, in Burma, remain a priority, despite the decision yesterday to lift all EU sanctions on Burma apart from the arms embargo […]
• • •The Burma Rohingya Organisation UK is calling on the British government to support the United Nations Security Council referring Burma to the International Criminal Court.
Human Rights Watch today released a new report ‘All You Can Do is Pray’, which provides evidence of ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity against the Rohingya […]
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