The Network for Democracy and Development (NDD), a Burmese political organization based on the Thai-Burma border, is researching and distributing weekly reports summarizing political events in Burma regarding the SPDC’s Elections. These reports include information on the activities of the SPDC and USDA, opposition groups, armed ethnic groups, cease-fire groups, border guard forces, international governments and non-governmental organizations, and civilians inside Burma.[…]
• • •In response to the military regime’s new election laws, Burma’s movement for democracy and rights of ethnic nationalities launched a global campaign today condemning the upcoming elections as shutting the door to any prospects for genuine democracy and national reconciliation. The Global Campaign Against Burma’s 2010 Military Elections calls on the international community to denounce these elections and refuse to recognize the results […]
• • •Developments
By Nava Thakuria
As the military rulers of Burma declare the set of election rules, the voice of opposition among international communities grows. Opposing the flaws in the election laws, which finally barred democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi from contesting the polls, the India based Burmese democratic activists have decided to organize a protest demonstration on March 17 staring at 11 in the morning. The protest rally will take place at Janta Mantar in New Delhi […]
Pro-democracy activists in the Philippines, keen to see democracy being ushered into military ruled Burma, have set three conditions for the 2010 elections to be free and fair.
Egoy Bans, spokesperson of Free Burma Coalition-Philippines, a network of Philippino activists for Burma told Mizzima that ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), the United Nations and the international community must work together to ensure three minimum conditions for Burma […]
Hundreds of villagers from both Burma and Thailand joined affected peoples from around the world in marking International Day of Action for Rivers yesterday as plans by China, Thailand and India steam ahead to dam all of Burma’s major rivers.
Five hundred farmers and fisher-folk gathered on the Salween River and shared their concerns about the impending construction of five massive dams planned on the river with performances and prayers to protect the Salween. […]
The Network for Democracy and Development (NDD), a Burmese political organization based on the Thai-Burma border, is researching and distributing weekly reports summarizing political events in Burma regarding the SPDC’s Elections. These reports include information on the activities of the SPDC and USDA, opposition groups, armed ethnic groups, cease-fire groups, border guard forces, international governments and non-governmental organizations, and civilians inside Burma.[…]
• • •An analysis of the Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law and the Amyotha Hluttaw Election Law, which stipulate that 25 percent of seats in each House of the government must be filled by members of the military.
The Update also lists the members of the Union Election Commission as the following […]
The Burma Campaign UK today warmly welcomed a recommendation by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Mr. Tomás Ojea Quintana, that the UN consider establishing a Commission of Inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma.
The unprecedented recommendation came in an advance unedited version of his report submitted to the UN Human Rights Council, which has been published on their website. […]
The Burmese military government on Wednesday issued new election laws, including regulations on political party registration, but Arakanese political parties remain silent and have made no moves to register with the election commission for the forthcoming election, said a politician from the Ratanya party. He said, “In the 1990 election, over ten Arakanese political parties […]
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