Dear President Obama, Prime Minister Cameron, and Prime Minister Abbott,
We, the undersigned 133 ethnic nationalities civil society organizations, are writing to express our concerns and reservations about your countries’ military engagement with the Burmese military.
We appreciate the concern the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia have shown over the years for the human rights violations the Burmese military has committed against us, as well as your support for our pursuit of genuine democracy and national reconciliation. While your intentions may be genuine, we are deeply concerned that your current approach to military-to-military relations will neither prove beneficial to our mutual goals of ending the Burmese military’s perpetration of human rights violations against us, nor bring us closer to national reconciliation […]
• • •Geneva Call is pleased to release the video on landmines in Burma/Myanmar entitled ‘Invisible Enemies: responding to the landmine threat’.
Invisible Enemies aims to inform different stakeholders – including the government, armed non-State actors, civil society, communities and villagers – about the short and long-term impact of landmines […]
• • •Important steps have been made in national reconciliation during the past two years. But promises and ceremonies will never be enough. The long-standing aspirations of Burma’s peoples for peace and justice must find solutions during the present time of national transition […]
• • •To coincide with the International Day of Peace, Burma Partnership launched a new documentary film today entitled, “Guns, Briefcases and Inequality: The Neglected War in Kachin State.” The film demonstrates the need for the government of Burma to engage in meaningful political dialogue with all ethnic nationalities on equal terms, including discussing amendments to the 2008 Constitution. These are necessary in order to address the underlying causes of armed conflict: self-determination, the lack of ethnic rights, and inequality, and to move towards lasting peace throughout the country […]
• • •Today, in commemoration of the International Day of Peace, we, members of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict in Southeast Asia (GPPAC-SEA) express our solidarity to all the peace-loving peoples of the region particularly in Myanmar/Burma.
We come from Aceh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mindanao, Thailand and the Philippines and together with our partners in Myanmar visited Kachin State this week to see, listen and feel for ourselves– however briefly– the situation there following the collapse of a 17-year ceasefire between the Myanmar government and the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) two years ago […]
• • •After November, rice rations will be needs-based and community-managed in refugee camps in Thailand
Rice rations are being revised in refugee camps in Thailand following reductions in funding for humanitarian food aid and a transition to needs-based and community-managed humanitarian relief. These changes are being introduced by The Border Consortium (TBC), which provides humanitarian relief and development assistance to refugees and conflict-affected people from Burma/Myanmar […]
• • •Preliminary peace talks between the alliance of ethnic non-state armed groups, the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) and the Burma government in Chiang Mai, Thailand, over the weekend of 8-9 September resulted in little progress. Meanwhile the Burma Army is simultaneously reinforcing and strengthening its positions in Kachin State, resulting in more armed clashes and causing fear of another major offensive.
Led by Minister Aung Min, the Union Peace Working Committee invited the UNFC to Naypyidaw to sign a nationwide ceasefire accord despite there being no ceasefire agreement with the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), a member of the UNFC. Given the increasing attacks on the Kachin and little tangible progress made in the peace process so far, the UNFC did not immediately accept the offer. The nationwide ceasefire accord signing is a major part of the government’s peace strategy and their plan is for international observers to be present, as well as domestic and international media. For the government, this very public show is important may be important to show the world that progress is being made, their peace plan is working and that perhaps more importantly, Burma is open for business […]
The weather is often misty and cold in the mountainous jungle surrounding Koung Jor, the Shan refugee camp located a stone’s throw from the Burmese border in Thailand’s Wiang Haeng district.
Koung Jor means “happy hill”, and dozens of Shan families were smiling widely last Sunday morning when a donation of mosquito nets arrived from the International Office for Migration.
“Their happiness at receiving new mosquito nets will soon disappear if you start asking them how they feel about repatriation. They will panic,” said 33-year old Sai Kyaw, who has been volunteering for nearly 10 years on an education program for children at the camp […]
• •The Myanmar government must act now to implement the recent recommendations issued by the UN Security Council Working Group on children and armed conflict (UNSCWG) to end the recruitment and use of children as soldiers, Child Soldiers International said today. On 16 August 2013, the UNSCWG released its conclusions on children and armed conflict in Myanmar, urging the Myanmar government to take specific measures to protect children from unlawful recruitment by the Myanmar military and armed groups, and thereby live up to its commitments to bring a definitive end to underage recruitment in the country […]
• • •Shan community groups are concerned at signs that Burmese authorities are preparing to repatriate Shan refugees from a camp in northern Thailand, even though there is no guarantee for their safety.
Last month, Burmese policemen from Tachilek visited Koung Jor camp in Wiang Haeng district, northern Chiang Mai province, asking whether the refugees wanted to return back to Burma […]
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