1. Under the aegis of the UNFC, an Ethnic Nationality Conference was held from July 29 to 31 at a certain place in the liberated area.
2. A total of 122 delegates, representing the UNFC member organizations, 18 resistance organizations, the United Nationality Alliance, 4 political parties of the ethnic nationalities, youth organizations, women organizations, community-based organizations, the overseas ethnic nationality organizations, academics and active individuals […]
• • •After seven years of dialogue with Geneva Call on international humanitarian norms, a ground-breaking step has been taken by the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA). KNU/KNLA has signed Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment for the Prohibition of Sexual violence in Situations of Armed Conflict and towards the Elimination of Gender Discrimination and the Deed of Commitment for the Protection of Children from the Effects of Armed Conflict […]
• • •We, the Karen National Union (KNU), are proud to sign the Deed of Commitment for the Protection of Children from the Effects of Armed Conflict and the Deed of Commitment for the Prohibition of Sexual Violence in Situations of Armed Conflict and Towards the Elimination of Gender Discrimination […]
• • •Human rights training for Burmese Army won’t work
The Karen Community Association UK (KCA UK) today calls on Prime Minister David Cameron to press President Thein Sein to withdraw his soldiers from ethnic states to demonstrate he is genuine about wanting peace and improving human rights.
Despite a ceasefire agreement being reached between Thein Sein Government and the Karen National Union (KNU) in January 2012, human rights violations including force labour, arbitrary arrest, detention and land confiscation continue in Karen State […]
• • •1. On July 13, from 9 am to 5 pm, the UNFC Political Dialogue Delegation’s Technical Team, led by Padoh Mahn Mahn, held consultative meeting in Chiangmai, Thailand, with the Union Peace Making Work Committee’s Technical Team, led by U Hla Maung Shwe […]
• • •The Burmese government’s plans to expand the Mawchi tin mines are in violation of its latest ceasefire agreement with the Karenni National Progress Party (KNPP) and should be stopped immediately.
In the past few months, new roads and housing have been built by a Chinese company, in preparation for large-scale expansion of the Mawchi mines around Saethongon village. The villagers were told last year they must leave their homes when the expansion begins but have been given no other information […]
• • •ႏုိင္ငံေတာ္အစုိးရႏွင့္ KIO တုိ႔အၾကား ခ်ဳပ္ဆုိခဲ့သည့္ ၁၉၉၄ ခုႏွစ္၊ အပစ္အခတ္ရပ္စဲေရး သေဘာတူစာခ်ဳပ္ သည္ (၁၇) ႏွစ္ၾကာျပီးသည့္ေနာက္ ၂၀၁၁ ခုႏွစ္၊ ဇြန္လ ၉ ရက္ေန႔တြင္ ပ်က္ျပားခဲ့ျပီး တုိက္ပြဲမ်ားျပန္လည္စ တင္ျဖစ္ပြားခဲ့သည္မွာ ၂၀၁၃ ခုႏွစ္၊ ဇြန္လ ၉ ရက္ေန႔တြင္ ႏွစ္ႏွစ္တင္းတင္းျပည့္ခဲ့ျပီ ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ ႏွစ္ႏွစ္တာ ကာလအတြင္း ႏုိင္ငံေတာ္အစုိးရႏွင့္ KIO တုိ႔အၾကား ျငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးေဆြးေႏြးပြဲမ်ားကုိ အၾကိမ္ေပါင္း […]
• • •1. The technical teams of the Union Peace Working Committee (UPWC) of the government and the UNFC Delegation for Political Dialogue will hold preliminary consultative meeting on July 13, 2013 […]
• • •During attacks last week violating the ceasefire with the Shan State Army-North (SSA-N), the Burma Army shelled a Buddhist temple in central Shan State, displacing dozens of monks, and turned the temple into a military base […]
• • •Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has learned that a Kachin civilian named Zahkung Lum Hkawng was tortured, beaten and shot dead by the Burmese Army in Northern Shan State on 14 June. The killing occurred just weeks after the Burmese government and the Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO) signed a seven-point agreement […]
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