Press Briefing with Emily Lau, Hong Kong Legislator and Mabel Au, Spokesperson of HKCFB
The last national elections held in Burma were on 27th May 1990. The country’s military government has announced that 20 years later Burma’s citizens will once again have an opportunity to cast a ballot in national elections some time this year. However, the international community questions whether these elections will be free and fair.[…]
• • •Burmese Community and Supporters Hold People’s Elections
Organizations around the world will be commemorating the 20th anniversary of the 1990 elections in Burma on 27 May with demonstrations, rallies and other events […]
• • •All the people of Burma including Monks, Students and Youths,
1. The day of 27th May 2010 will mark 20th anniversary of 1990 Election in which the people representatives overwhelmingly won a landslide victory. The results of that election is interpreted as that of the Burmese people’s ongoing struggle for democracy begin with the 1988 prodemocracy movements, by truly expressing of their determination.[…]
• • •We at the Arakan Rohingya Refugee Committee (ARRC), Malaysia is deeply concerned over the health crises of the Rohingya refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia as they are bitterly experiencing of discriminatory treatments with unbearable payments and exclusive recommendation.[…]
• • •(1) On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of 1990 election, we would like to send good wishes to the people of Burma for the sake of both their physical and mental health and wealth to free from all calamities and dangers […]
• • •The European Parliament today unanimously passed a strong resolution on Burma, stating that election laws make free elections ‘impossible’ and the new constitution will ‘maintain a dictatorship in a civilian guise’.
The European Parliament also called EU member states to support the recommendation by the UN Special Rapporteur on Burma for a United Nations Commission of Inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma […]
We, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), have learnt that Ko Kyaw Soe passed away in Myingyan Prison on the morning of 19 May 2010, at age 39. He is the 144th political prisoner to die in prison, in Burma. AAPP expresses its deepest condolences to the family of Kyaw Soe (aka) Kyaw Kyaw Soe (aka) Jeffery.[…]
• • •We, the members of the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners-Burma (AAPPB), were informed that a political prisoner’s mother died after her visit to her son. Daw Hla Hla Myint, mother of Mya Than Htike (aka) Tayzar, passed away at the age of 66 on 15 May, 2010 after her visit to her son in Taungoo prison due to the extremely hot weather. AAPP also expresses it deepest condolences for Mya Than Htike and family members for their loss.[…]
• • •Media Advisory
The ten leading alliances of Burma’s democracy and ethnic rights movement are calling on Burmese communities and organizations in exile and Burma solidarity groups around the world to hold “People’s Elections” on 27 May to express the people’s desire for a genuine democratic change in Burma […]
Today, a bi-partisan coalition of members of the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Congressman Joe Crowley, introduced legislation to renew sanctions on Burma’s military regime. The move comes two weeks after the European Union extended its own sanctions on Burma for another year. Following is the text of Congressman Crowley’s statement upon introduction. […]
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