ေအာက္ပါလက္မွတ္ေရးထိုးထားေသာ မိမိတို႔အရပ္ဘက္အဖြဲ႕အစည္းမ်ားမွ စက္တင္ဘာလ ၂၂ ရက္ ေန႔စြဲျဖင့္ သမၼတရံုးမွ ျပည္ထဲေရးဝန္ႀကီးဌာနမွ အင္းဝစက္ခ်ဳပ္ဆိုင္ပိုင္ရွင္မ်ား၏ ညႇင္းပန္းႏွိပ္စက္ခံ အိမ္အကူ အမ်ိဳးသမီးငယ္ ႏွစ္ဦးျဖစ္ေသာ မ ( စန္းေကခိုင္ ) ႏွင့္ မ ( မသဇင္ ) တို႔ႏွင့္ အမႈဖြင့္တိုင္ၾကားခဲ့သူ Myanmar Now သတင္းေထာက္ ကို ( ကိုေဆြဝင္း ) တို႔ကို လံုျခံဳေရး ယူေပးရန္ လည္းေကာင္း၊ လူ/ကယ္/ျပန္ဝန္ႀကီးဌာနမွ အမ်ိဳးသမီးငယ္ႏွစ္ဦး လံုျခံဳစြာေနႏိုင္ေရးႏွင့္ စိတ္ပိုင္း ႏွင့္ ရုပ္ပိုင္းဆိုင္ရာ ႏွစ္သိမ့္အားေပးမႈမ်ား လုပ္ေဆာင္ ရန္လည္းေကာင္း ညႊန္ၾကားခ်က္ထုတ္ျခင္းအေပၚ ေထာက္ခံႀကိဳဆိုပါသည္။ သက္ဆိုင္ရာဝန္ႀကီးဌာနမ်ားမွလည္း သမၼတႀကီး၏ လမ္းညႊန္ခ်က္အတိုင္း အခ်ိန္ႏွင္တစ္ေျပးညီ ေဆာင္ရြက္ၾကမည္ဟု မိမိတို႔မွ ေမၽွာ္လင့္ပါသည္ […]
• • •As Burma emerges from decades of authoritarian rule and international isolation, the issue of human rights and human rights abuses has been of large concern to many actors involved. Holding those accountable for crimes committed in the past has been at the forefront for many observers […]
We, the undersigned organizations, write to express our concern regarding the recent report by Human Rights Watch that reveals that the U.S. government “plans to announce the lifting of key sanctions during Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s visit to Washington, DC,” beginning on September 13.1 Despite the marked democratic progress and peacebuilding activities that have taken place in Burma since last November’s election—which we applaud—there remain a number of pressing issues threatening the stability of the country and its most vulnerable people […]
• • •Five months after Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy (NLD) swept to power in Myanmar in April following their stunning landslide victory in the November 2015 national elections, the new government is still very much in transition[…]
We, the Kachin Alliance, write to express gratitude for President Obama’s tireless efforts in advancing and deepening the United States’ engagement in Asia Pacific. We laud the Obama administration, for dedicating more resources and time than any of its predecessors to secure friendship with the peoples of Southeast Asia, including all ethnic nationalities of Burma […]
• • •We are writing to express our great concern at your government’s announcement on August 12 that you will proceed with hydropower dams on the Salween river, as the best option to meet Burma’s energy needs […]
• • •Over the years, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) has produced a number of accounts highlighting the hardship faced by Mon people who have become victims to land confiscation […]
A group of 11 people from Thuyethamain village sent a complaint letter to the Township Development Committee on 6 June, stating that they suspected that a warehouse under construction in the village was actually projected to be used as an Islamic school […]
• • •As neighbours on a strategic crossroads in Asia, the relationship between China and Myanmar is today one of the most important in international geo-politics and regional development. After Myanmar’s independence, tensions with China were often deep as conflict and political turmoil swept both countries […]
• • •On June 25, 2016 about 100 Burmese troops from Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 362 arrived at the village of Mong Yang (about 10 kms west of Mong Yaw) from the Namjalarp-Loi Tao area (in the north). From Mong Yang, the troops walked in a line along the road east towards Mong Yaw […]
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