This briefing paper summarizes crimes that have been committed in Burma over the last year. It details the ongoing abuses and restrictions against Rohingyas, continuing anti-muslim violence, restrictive legislations being used to arrest and prosecute activists, farmed and human rights defenders, and the Burma Army’s offensives against the Kachin Independence Army and other non-state armed groups despite peace agreements.
• • •In the present report to the United Nations General Assembly, the Special Rapporteur describes how the reforms under way in Myanmar continue to create the prospect of significant improvements in the human rights situation. Important developments during the reporting period include the continuing release of prisoners of conscience; improving respect of the right to freedom of opinion and expression; and progress towards agreement on a national ceasefire. The Special Rapporteur highlights, however, the dangers of glossing over shortcomings in the area of human rights or presuming that these shortcomings will inevitably be addressed through the momentum of current reforms […]
• • •Following extensive research, the Sentinel Project has concluded that the risk of genocide or related mass atrocities in Burma is extremely high. Despite recent democratic reforms in the country, violence, discrimination, and extrajudicial killings continue and are mostly directed toward the Muslim Rohingya minority in Rakhine state. Violence and other crimes against the Rohingya, which are conducted by both state and non-state groups, are both widespread and systematic […]
On 19 July 2013, the European Union brought Myanmar back into the so-called “Everything but Arms” regime, a preferential trade regime within the “Generalised Scheme of Preferences”. Although the EU claims this decision will facilitate the country’s path to democracy and development, it has been strongly criticised by numerous human rights organisations […]
• • •In this report, PHR documents how persecution of and violence against the Rohingya in Burma has spread to other Muslim communities throughout the country. PHR conducted eight separate investigations in Burma and the surrounding region between 2004 and 2013. PHR’s most recent field research in early 2013 indicates a need for renewed attention to violence against minorities and impunity for such crimes […]
This briefing summarises major business and human rights developments in Myanmar (Burma) from November 2010, when the country held its first elections after 20 years and pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi was released from house arrest, to the present. It covers the positive and negative impacts of companies operating in the country, and is based on reports from a range of sources that the Resource Centre has featured on its website and in its Weekly Updates. It also refers to responses we received from companies when we asked them to reply to concerns raised by civil society, and refers to the failure of certain companies to respond […]
• • •As the country begins to open up for the first time in more than 60 years, foreign investors and energy consumers worldwide are beginning to look progressively towards Burma and its rich natural resources. Aimed at policy makers, investors, corporations, various governments, intergovernmental groups and other stakeholders, this briefer seeks to highlight the necessity of a sound domestic legal framework in Burma through a critical analysis of the current limitations and implications thereof […]
It is now more than two years since Thein Sein became President, yet Burma still has one of the worst human rights records in the world. Since Thein Sein became President, human rights abuses which violate international law have actually increased. Burma Campaign UK is receiving increased numbers of reports of rape by the Burmese Army and security forces. Hundreds of political prisoners remain in jail, and almost all repressive laws remain in place […]
• • •This short report by Mungchying Rawt Jat (MRJ) documents cases of farmers who have been forcibly relocated to make way for “development” projects in Kachin State, and are now staying in Sanpya camp in Hugawng Valley, and Aung Myin Thar and Maliyang camps near the Irrawaddy Myitsone.
This report by the Subcommittee on International Human Rights is intended to recognize the important achievements brought about as part of Burma’s reform process, in particular the election of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other candidates from the NLD as Members of Parliament (MP) this April. At the same time, we wish to warn against hasty or irresponsible optimism and to sound the alarm about the lack of civilian control over the Burmese military, which has very serious human rights and humanitarian consequences. Recent progress has not yet extended to all parts of the country, nor to all of the people of Burma. Going forward, we believe that it is important for the international community to look beyond central Burma in assessing the depth and sincerity of the country’s reforms. Respect by the Burmese government and military for human rights and international law in Burma’s ethnic minority
areas will be the real measure of change in the country and should inform any decision regarding the permanent removal of sanctions by Canada […]