The AIPMC’s website has statements from many ASEAN MPs about the situation in Burma. Go to the website.
• • •This publication introduces the reader to national human rights institutions (NHRIs). Its focus is on NHRIs as both cornerstones of national human rights protection and promotion, and links between States and the international human rights system. It is part of a professional training series that consists of handbooks and manuals intended to raise awareness of international standards […]
• • •We, the united voice of people, communities, and organizations from Burma and around the globe, strongly reaffirm the necessity for genuine political reconciliation before the 2010 elections and call on the international community to take immediate action to ensure viable democratic change occurs in Burma. The people of Burma are entitled to have a genuine […]
•The Women’s League of Burma (WLB) calls on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to refer the situation in Burma to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in order to allow the prosecution of Senior General Than Shwe and to put an immediate end to the longstanding impunity that has been afforded to the brutal military junta in Burma. […]
• • •A Powerpoint presentation that gives an introduction to ASEAN, its structure and mechanisms. Download the Powerpoint
• • •This detailed and fact-based report refutes Total’s public response to ERI’s previous report, Total Impact. It finds that while the company may be softening to criticism and to the idea of engagement with a nongovernmental organization such as ERI, it has yet again misled the general public, investors and policymakers regarding the impacts of their […]
• • •An open letter to the Chief Justices for Asia and the Pacific regions calling for immediate action to remove Burma’s Judge U Aung Toe as a participant in the Law Association for Asia and the Pacific’s annual Conference of Chief Justices of Asia and the Pacific. The letter argues that given the role Chief Justice […]
• • •A report on the situation of forced labour in Burma, from the ILO’s Liaison Officer in Rangoon. Download the report in English, French or Spanish.
• • •An open letter to the International Crisis Group to rescind the organization’s recommendations regarding Burma, to withdraw the flawed constitutional analysis, and to articulate States’ legal obligations with regard to Burma, including taking all possible steps, individually and collectively, to end impunity for the ongoing criminal breaches of international humanitarian law. […]
• • •Civil society and international organizations should meanwhile develop a coordinated approach for gathering information about human rights violations in Burma, to help prepare for eventual prosecutions and other measures dealing with the military government’s long legacy of impunity. […]
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