The report explains that Total and Chevron’s Yadana gas project has generated US$4.83 billion dollars for Burma’s military regime, and how the regime excluded the majority of that revenue from the country’s national budget. Download the report in English. Download the summary and recommendations in Burmese or French.
• • •Based on seven years of research, this report describes Total and Chevron’s public relations endeavors, including impact assessments commissioned by the companies since 2002. ERI presents evidence proving that Total lied to the public when it claimed that the International Labour Organization certified that the company eradicated forced labor in its project area. The report […]
• • •An open letter by 14 Nobel Laureates calling on the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution creating a Commission of Inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma, and to end the impunity of the military regime. Download the letter.
• • •It’s Time for the United Nations to Take Strong Action on Burma:Women’s Groups around the World Call on the UNSC to Prosecute Senior General Than Shwe at International Criminal Court Download the Media Release in English or Burmese Download the Letter in English
• • •A proposal by the Movement for Democracy and Rights of Ethnic Nationalities, the most broad-based and multi-ethnic union of organizations on how Burma can achieve national reconciliation. An alternative to the military regime’s supposed “Seven-step Roadmap to Democracy”. […]
• • •A paper arguing that there must be a UN Security Council Commission of Inquiry into crimes against humanity and war crimes being committed by the military regime in Burma. […]
• • •A compilation of new and previously published articles by the members of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus (AIPMC) that looks at issues of Burma’s effects on the region. Download the booklet
• • •A paper outlining the military regime’s violations of the ASEAN Charter and why ASEAN must take serious efforts to address these breaches of the region’s principles. Download the paper.
• • •A briefer that covers the SPDC actions between March and September 2009 and recommends that ASEAN pressure the SPDC to adopt the recommendations contained in the Burmese pro-democracy movement’s “Proposal for National Reconciliation”; address and resolve the Rohingya problem; release Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all political prisoners; and stop human rights abuses and […]
• • •The report focuses on the ecologically unique area of Keng Kham in Shan State, a community of 15,000 that was forcibly relocated over ten years ago; the majority have fled to Thailand. Today the estimated 3,000 that remain are managing to maintain their livelihoods and culture despite the constant threats of the Burma Army and […]
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