While the Burmese government and Karen leaders are holding historic peace talks in Naypyidaw, the Burma Army and its Border Guard Force (BGF) wages war in Karen State to expand its control over Karen territories, in order to push for an environmentally and socially destructive hydropower project on the Salween River – the Hatgyi Dam […]
When Naw PSN (40 years old) arrived at JSMK she complained of fever, diarrhea, vomiting and weakness. A week before coming she miscarried her 4-month pregnancy and bled heavily. She looked tired and sick […]
• • •This Situation Update describes events occurring in Hlaingbwe and Paingkyon townships, Hpa-an District between March and May 2016, including the building of stupas, road construction, taxation and healthcare […]
• • •Myanmar is one of many countries where the oil, gas and mining industries have long been synonymous with secrecy and dirty dealing. Too often resource riches which could be used to lift populations out of poverty instead fall into the hands of corrupt elites […]
Even after the November 2015 landslide electoral victory of Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy the armed forces of Myanmar (Burma) continue to be the country’s most powerful political institution […]
• • •We, the undersigned organizations, write to express our concern regarding the recent report by Human Rights Watch that reveals that the U.S. government “plans to announce the lifting of key sanctions during Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s visit to Washington, DC,” beginning on September 13.1 Despite the marked democratic progress and peacebuilding activities that have taken place in Burma since last November’s election—which we applaud—there remain a number of pressing issues threatening the stability of the country and its most vulnerable people […]
• • •Five months after Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy (NLD) swept to power in Myanmar in April following their stunning landslide victory in the November 2015 national elections, the new government is still very much in transition[…]
We, the Kachin Alliance, write to express gratitude for President Obama’s tireless efforts in advancing and deepening the United States’ engagement in Asia Pacific. We laud the Obama administration, for dedicating more resources and time than any of its predecessors to secure friendship with the peoples of Southeast Asia, including all ethnic nationalities of Burma […]
• • •This is a joint-report from KHRG, THWEE Community Development Network, and Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN). It details human rights violations surrounding the construction of the Asian Highway in Thin Gan Nyi Naung to Kawkareik, Dooplaya District, which was completed in August 2015. These violations include the lack of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) for affected communities, and armed conflict aggravated by construction, impacting civilians living along the Highway […]
Women make up just over half of the population in Burma, but have been noticeably absent from nearly four years of peace negotiations to end armed conflict in the country […]
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