A tense calm prevails after deadly religious violence hit Central Burma in March, with anti-Muslim attacks reported in four townships in Mandalay Division and eight townships in Pegu Division. According to official figures, the violence in Meikhtila, Mandalay Division, killed 44 people and displaced over 12,800. As of 9 April, over 8,400 people remain displaced […]
• • •This periodic update is limited in scope to provide a snapshot of overall project development. However, other impacts have been documented along the pipeline route, including environmental harms, lack of local benefits, and human rights violations, including severe human impacts in northern Shan State […]
• • •This briefing paper examines Burma’s treatment of the Rohingya in the context of international law, treaty obligations, and international guidelines and norms. It examines two particular areas; the general treatment of the Rohingya before the violence which erupted in June 2012, and the response of the government of Burma during and after the violence began […]
• • •Documentation from human rights groups shows that in fact, serious human rights violations continue across the country under President Thein Sein’s government, with particularly severe consequences for ethnic and religious minorities. For the predominantly Christian Chin people, this includes violations of religious freedom, forced labour, sexual violence, and extra-judicial killing, despite the fact that a ceasefire between armed resistance group the Chin National Front (CNF) and the government is holding […]
• • •A total of 828 destroyed and 35 severely damaged buildings were identified within the city of Meiktila (Meiktila township, Mandalay Region, Burma) likely caused by arson attacks reportedly occurring between March 20 -22, 2013. Damages are spatially concentrated within multiple areas of near total destruction measuring approximately 24.5 hectares in total area […]
The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) and International Media Support (IMS) today released Comments on the draft Printing and Publishing Enterprises Law (draft Law) released by the Ministry of Information of Myanmar in early March 2013. In August 2012, the Ministry tasked the Interim Press Council with preparing a draft Press Law, and the release of the draft Law by the Ministry came as a surprise to many observers. As the Comments make clear, the draft Law fails in important ways to conform to international standards regarding media freedom […]
• • •The consequences of failing to address the growing religious tensions in Burma are so serious that they justify the urgent creation of a task force which helps Burma’s political and religious leaders, both in government and in opposition, learn from the past experience of the international […]
• • •The full text of the United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution that calls on the government to end human rights violations and ensure accountability and end impunity, maintains the resolution under agenda Item 4 of “Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention” and also extends the mandate of Special Rapporteur on human rights in Burma, Tomás Ojea Quintana.
• • •The recent political unrest and military violence in the Kachin and northern Shan states has been on an unprecedented scale, raising serious questions over the goals of the quasi-civilian government of President Thein Sein and its ability to control the national armed forces (Tatmadaw). Since assuming office in March 2011, Thein Sein has received praise from around the world for a “reformist” agenda that has seen many political prisoners released, Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) win seats to parliament, ceasefires with the majority of armed ethnic opposition groups, and a gradual liberalisation of media, business and other aspects of national life. These are trends that the international community has been keen to encourage, with UN General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon and US President Barack Obama among world leaders visiting Burma/Myanmar […]
At the end of March 2011, Myanmar began an ambitious political transition led by newly elected President Thein Sein. Bold moves in his first year included opening a dialogue with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, suspending construction of the Chinese-fund Myitsone Dam, and abandoning a grossly overvalued exchange rate in favor of a market-determined rate. These moves unleashed a swarm of visitors seeking to support the transition and “make a difference”: prime ministers, foreign ministers, heads of donor agencies and international NGOs, chief executives of multinational corporations, and many others […]