“The Burden of War,” based on interviews with women in three IDP settlements in Manton and Namkham townships, describes the abuses that drove them from their homes, their perilous journey through the jungle and living conditions in the camps, where over 1,000 IDPs from fifteen villages are sheltering.
• • •The full text of the Foreign Investment Law in English and Burmese.
• •Over the period of this report, the political landscape in Burma has undergone noticeable shifts. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, once a political prisoner under house arrest, recently returned from a whirlwind tour of the United States where she received […]
• • •“The opium numbers continue to head in the wrong direction”, said Gary Lewis, UNODC Regional Representative for East Asia and the Pacific. “However, we have seen more progress on responding to the root causes of opium cultivation in the past year than we have in the past decade. The international community must now ask ‘how can we help?’, and provide resources towards a solution.”
• • •Simultaneous and interdependent reforms promoting democratisation, economic liberalisation and conflict transformation present a plethora of opportunities and risks for the people of Myanmar. The prospect of progressing from ceasefire […]
• • •At the start of the current peace negotiation process between the KNPP and the Government of Burma the Karenni Civil Societies Network (KCSN) released a statement welcoming the talks, and is continuing to monitor closely the peace process between the two parties.
KCSN believes that only through negotiation between both parties to seek solutions to the problems in Karenni State, as agreed during the State Level and Union Level talks, can genuine and permanent peace be achieved […]
• • •For decades, Burmese Rohingya fleeing persecution have sought refuge in Bangladesh. June’s inter-communal violence in Burma’s Rakhine State, as well as subsequent state-sponsored persecution and targeted attacks against Muslim populations […]
• • •Despite an abundance of natural resources, Rakhine State is the second-poorest state in Burma. The simmering tension that exists between the Rakhine and stateless Rohingya communities has been stoked by poverty for decades. However, in June 2012 that tension boiled over […]
• • •Few issues are as frequently discussed and politically charged in transitional Myanmar as the state of housing, land and property (HLP) rights. The effectiveness of the laws and policies that address the fundamental and universal human need for a place to live, to raise a family […]
• •The mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar was established by the Commission on Human Rights in its resolution 1992/58 and extended most recently by the Human Rights Council in its resolution 19/21 […]
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