The peoples of Myanmar have long desired a platform for inclusive peace and dialogue where the vital issues of politics, economics, welfare and human rights for all can be discussed together, fully and in a spirit of national reconcilitation and cooperation. Thus any initiative towards peace and dialogue is always welcome […]
• • •There has been a significant deterioration in the health and well-being of 53 students and supporters who have been detained without bail for nine months at Thayawaddy prison. Their criminal trial has now dragged on for nine months. If convicted, they could face up to ten years in prison […]
• • •Burma/Myanmar, after receiving independence on January 4, 1948 from the British colonialists in accordance with the Panlong Agreement, was accompanied by the civil war. Since the rulers of successive eras have tried to end the civil war, in disregard of the Panlong Agreement, they have not met with any success, up to this day, and people of all the nationalities have to continue to suffer the malicious caprices and dreadful consequences of war […]
• • •Despite the so-called democratic transition taking place since 2010, Burma remains constitutionally under the control of the Armed Forces. However, our national democratic icon, democratic forces, some ethnic armed organizations, many NGOs — especially GON¬GOs – and most of the international community are siding with or exercising a policy of appeasement with the power holders, without scrutinizing whether the source of their pow¬er emanates from the genuine will of the various ethnic nationalities and/or indigenous peoples […]
The efforts of the Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) to negotiate a Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) with the Burmese/Myanmar government began in November 2013 at the Ethic Armed Organizations Conference in Laiza, Kachin State, where the 16 Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) established their Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT) […]
• • •This briefing explores the gender dimensions and gender impact of conflict in Myanmar. Such information is relatively scarce, and there has long been a need for a deeper understanding of the intersections of gender, ethnicity and other identities in peace-building and democratisation […]
• • •This update documents further incidents of abuse against civilians committed by Burmese government troops during their offensive in central Shan State since early October 2015. SHRF has documented the killing of a displaced farmer on November 13, and the disappearance of another, near Mong Ark, Mong Hsu township […]
• • •Shan community groups are calling for pressure on Naypyidaw to withdraw troops from areas occupied during their recent offensive in central Shan State, so that displaced villagers can return home without fear of persecution […]
• • •Despite huge challenges, election day in Myanmar passed almost entirely peacefully. Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy triumphed in polls that were regarded by domestic and international observers as remarkably free from irregularities […]
• • •TNI ၏ ေရႊႀတိဂံေဒသအတြင္းရွိ တရားမ၀င္မူးယစ္ေဆး၀ါးေစ်းကြက္အေပၚ ႏိႈက္ႏိႈက္ခၽြတ္ခၽြတ္ေလ့လာ ဆန္းစစ္ခ်က္အရဘိန္းစိုက္ပ်ိဳးထုတ္လုပ္မႈ ႏွစ္ဆခန္႔ျပန္လည္ျမင့္တက္လာသည့္အျပင္ ေထာင္သြင္းအက်ဥ္းခ်ခံထားရသူ မ်ားျပားလာၿပီး အေသးစားတစ္ႏိုင္တစ္ပိုင္ ေတာင္သူငယ္ေလးမ်ားအေပၚ ျပင္းျပင္းထန္ထန္ ႏွိပ္ကြပ္လ်က္ရွိေၾကာင္း ေတြ႔ရွိခဲ့ရသည္ […]