The day of 1988. 8. 8 coupled with four 8 is very glorious and significant for democratic movement in Burma with a vanguard role of students and youths, and joined later by workers, monks, famers and civilian against the army rule in Burma. This student driven movement has left golden leafs in the history of world youth and student’s movement. It is great to know that people of Burma are commemorating the 22nd anniversary of the day […]
• • •The political forces which are thinking of participating in elections should not gamble
the fate of the country with their dreams.
Our struggle for democracy has already reached its’ 22nd anniversary, if we count from the 8888 nation-wide pro-democracy uprising. On this anniversary, we again recognize that it was the nation-wide uprising, not the parliamentary debate that abolished the Burma Socialist Programme Party dictatorial regime of Bo Ne Win and his 1974 constitution[…]
• • •End Injustice In Burma! Denounce SPDC’s 2010 Elections
To visualize the gravity of the crimes against humanity committed by Burma’s military regime, about a hundred of solidarity activists under the Free Burma Coalition-Philippines (FBC-Phils) today held a rally in front of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and urged the Philippine government to pledge its support to the ongoing international campaigns calling for the creation of a UN commission of inquiry to investigate possible crimes against humanity in Burma[…]
• • •The process surrounding national elections in Burma, expected later this year, “is clearly designed to guarantee a pre-determined outcome and, therefore, does not meet even the very minimum of international standards,” according to an analysis by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) that was released here today […]
• • •This study draws on contributions from numerous experts in the region and comparative election, constitutional and human rights law. Since 1995, NDI has worked with partners to advance the cause of democracy in Burma. The 2010 elections in theory could have provided an opportunity to advance democratic progress and national reconciliation, which in turn could have helped significantly improve the lives of people in Burma. Based on its analysis, NDI came to the conclusion shared by many experts that the election process will not be a step forward and risks being yet another setback […]
• • •Groups around the world are preparing to launch a new photo petition in support of ongoing international campaigns calling for a commission of inquiry and opposing the military regime’s elections this year.
We hope you will join in this photo petition to send a strong message that people around the world have not and will not forget about the severe human rights violations carried out by successive military regimes against the people of Burma […]
Foreign ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) met earlier this week for the 43rd ASEAN Ministerial Meeting to discuss various regional issues, including Burma’s upcoming elections. In contrast to the statements of support for the elections that emerged from the bloc’s 16th summit earlier this year, this ministerial meeting saw foreign ministers expressing more apprehension than support. “Myanmar, I think, got an earful last night,” said Surin Pitsuwan, ASEAN Chairman, “ASEAN is very much concerned.”[…]
• • •India should emphasize respect for human rights during the state visit by Burma’s Senior General Than Shwe, Human Rights Watch said today. Economic and security interests should not displace concerns about protecting the Burmese people’s fundamental freedoms […]
• • •In this week’s report, you will find:
* News sources from Vietnam revealed that U Nyan Win, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced that the military government will allow Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to contest in the elections. U Nyan Win also reaffirmed that the 2008 constitution places no restrictions on Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to participate in the elections.
ယခုအပတ္ NDD ၏သတင္းမွတ္တမ္းတြင္ –
* ျပည္ေထာင္စု ၾက႔ံခိုင္ေရးႏွင္႔ဖြံ႕ျဖိဳးေရးပါတီ (USDP) သည္ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲအတြက္ မဲဆြယ္ရန္ စည္းရုံးေရး သီခ်င္းမ်ားကို နာမည္ေက်ာ္ အဆိုေတာ္မ်ားႏွင့္သြင္းယူျပီး စစ္အစိုးရပိုင္ရုပ္သံမီဒီယာမ်ားတြင္ ထုတ္လႊင္႔ျပသမည္ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း ၿမိဳ႔နယ္အဆင္႔ USDP အတြင္းေရးမႈးတစ္ဦးက ေျပာသည္။
• • •The United States must deny this regime the legitimacy it so craves and await the day when the Burmese people will be permitted to govern their own affairs.’
Click here to listen to Senator McConnell’s speech on the renewal of economic sanctions on Burma[…]
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