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Posts Tagged ‘41 Karen Civil Society Organizations’ (1 found)

Karen Civil Society Has Lost Trust in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) Negotiations as a Gateway to Political Dialogue

We, the undersigned civil society organizations and individuals from across Burma and the globe, have steadfastly engaged in the movement for the recognition of our ethnic rights to self-­‐determination, equality, democracy and human rights. We once had high hopes that the peace process and final NCA product co-­‐created by Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAO’s) and the government, even if not perfect, would be a window of opportunity to ink a durable nationwide ceasefire and move forward to the stages of political dialogue. However, in reality, the processes and the actors have failed miserably to […]

October 4, 2015  •  By 41 Karen Civil Society Organizations  •  Tags: , , , ,  •  Read more ➤