A team from the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission comprising of commission members U Zaw Win, U Nyunt Swe and Daw Mya Mya accompanied by Dr.Zay Yar Soe, assistant director and Daw Shwe Yee San from the commission office visited the prisons and detention centers of Mandalay, Naung Cho, Thi Paw and Lashio Township on 8th June 2015 […]
• • •London, 2 July 2015 – The Myanmar military and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) should immediately end the recruitment and use of children under the age of 18 years and release all those recruited under-18 within their ranks, Child Soldiers International said in new research released today […]
• • •2-9 June 2015: Ethnic Leaders’ Summit (Law Khee Lar, Karen State). Leaders of Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) have declined to sign the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in its present form and outlined the following changes to the March 2015 draft NCA. See the attached report, “Summit of the Top Leaders of Ethnic Armed Organizations, Resolutions and Minutes” for details […]
• • •Prior to British tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller’s heinous murders last September, migrant worker’s presence and everyday lives on Koh Tao island were not publicly discussed. This situation abruptly changed once migrants were identified by case investigators as key suspects behind the killings […]
• • •JAKARTA, 1 July 2015 – ASEAN home ministers meeting in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow must take firm action to combat human trafficking, protect vulnerable asylum seekers, and address the root causes of the continuing migrant crisis, including the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar, ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) said today […]
• • •One month after 17 countries gathered in Bangkok to discuss the refugee and migrant crisis in South East Asia, we are writing to you to express our deep concern at the continuing lack of concrete and regionally-coordinated measures to tackle the current crisis and its long-standing root causes […]
• • •Far from the idyllic image that tourism promotes of the Moken people, these sea nomads face increasing restrictions and attacks at sea, and systematic discrimination on land. By effectively denying them citizenship, the Thai and Burmese governments make the Moken easy targets for exploitation and other threats to their very existence […]
• • •SUARAM is pleased to launch its 2014 Human Rights Report of Malaysia today. Since its first launch in 1998, SUARAM has without fail published an annual human rights report which offer comprehensive documentation and analysis of the human rights landscape, a report that is much awaited by local civil society and international human rights organisations […]
• • •Now that Indonesia and Malaysia have agreed to provide temporary refuge for Rohingya refugees, the recent humanitarian crisis is moving toward a longer term relief and resettlement operation. But the sequence of events leading up to the short-term relief operation demonstrated serious limitations in how regional actors respond to politically sensitive humanitarian challenges. The actions and words of Burma and the other ASEAN countries, as well as those of the United States, are important indicators of the current state of multilateral organizations, international law, and the support of human dignity. Most notably, the Rohingya refugee crisis should be used to shift the debate on the future of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) exercises between the United States and its allies […]
• • •Beginning in February 2015, 40-50 residents of Durgapur village in northern India, mostly women, sat in protest for more than a month. A state-owned company called the Tehri Hydro Development Corporation India Ltd. (THDC) was developing a hydroelectric power project near their community and some villagers believed that tunneling for the project endangered their homes and the overall well-being of their community […]