Twenty years ago in 8 August 1988 people uprising in Burma has toppled the military dictator, General Ne Win. Military in response has brutally suppressed the uprising leading to the killings of around 10.000 people, disappearances and another thousand detained until today. Some them has yet found dead mysteriously in the most severe prisons in the country. Another thousand has fled the country living stateless until today […]
• • •Kaukus Myanmar DPR RI menyerukan semua pihak untuk memboikot dan tidak mengakui hasil pemilu Myanmar. Seruan ini tercantum dalam pernyataan sikap yang dikeluarkan ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus (AIPMC) Jakarta Chapter, yang diterima SH, Kamis […]
• •Khin Ohmar, Kordinator Burma Partnership, mengungkapkan, situasi sosial ekonomi Burma telah jatuh secara drastis dibawah kendali rezim militer. Ia melihat, pelaksanaan Pemihihan Umum yang akan digelar tahun ini bukanlah jalan keluar terbaik […]
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