[Rangoon, 10 October 2016] – Today, after reflecting on ten years of work coordinating the regional solidarity movement for human rights and democracy in Burma, Burma Partnership (BP) announced its discontinuation and the establishment of ‘Progressive Voice,’ a new participatory, rights-based research and advocacy organization, born out of Burma Partnership […]
• • •The Burma Army continued to launch offensives throughout Karen and Kachin States this past week […]
The following case study is from the joint report “Invisible Lives: The Untold Story of Displacement Cycle in Burma” by Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM), Burma Link, and Burma Partnership, which was launched in a press conference in Rangoon on August 12th and in Moulmein on August 15th […]
This past week, the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) sparked outrage for failing to provide an adequate response to a case involving the abuse of two young domestic helpers in Rangoon. The victims, Ma San Kay Khaing, 17, and Ma Tha Zin, 16 reported being both physically and psychologically abused by members of the family-owned Ava tailoring shop that employed them […]
During his meeting with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on September 14 2016, President Barack Obama announced that the United States would end sanctions on Burma. Earlier in the week, White House deputy National Security Advisor, Ben Rhodes anticipated the easing of sanctions, stating, “We want to make sure our sanctions are not preventing the type of economic development and investment that would help the people of Myanmar […]”
• • •While major armed conflict between the NMSP [New Mon State Party] and the Burma Army has not been observed since the 1995 ceasefire, security concerns expressed by the IDPs in NMSP controlled areas are very real as the Burma Army continues to act with impunity […]
• • •The following case study is from the joint report “Invisible Lives: The Untold Story of Displacement Cycle in Burma” by Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM), Burma Link, and Burma Partnership, which was launched in a press conference in Rangoon on August 12th and in Moulmein on August 15th […]
• • •The following case study is from the joint report “Invisible Lives: The Untold Story of Displacement Cycle in Burma” by Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM), Burma Link, and Burma Partnership, which was launched in a press conference in Rangoon on August 12th and in Moulmein on August 15th […]
• • •On 4 September, 2016, Burma’s “21st Century Panglong Conference” concluded after four days of an exchange of opinions on the country’s protracted armed conflict and on ways forward to establish a federal democratic union. Issues ranged from the geographical composition of the Union to the formation of a federal army under the civilian government – and thus the need to amend the 2008 Constitution – through the delivery of a series of speeches, proposals and position papers. Over 1,400 delegates attended including ethnic armed organizations (EAOs), the Government, political parties, the Burma Army and third party observers […]
On 23 August 2016, the Ministry of the Office of the State Counselor announced the formation of a nine-member Advisory Commission on Rakhine State […]
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