Myanmar LGBT Rights Network warmly welcomes Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s recent comments calling for the decriminalization of homosexuality in Myanmar. This would be a significant step towards respecting the human rights of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community and ending deeply engrained homophobic social attitudes and discrimination against LGBT
people in Myanmar […]
The UNFC puts on record and honors the Laiza Conference of the Ethnic Armed Resistance Organizations, sponsored by the KIO, a member organization of the UNFC, as it was a hundred percent success for unity of the ethnic nationalities. The KIO, together with the Peace-talk Creation Group […]
• • •A public consultation meeting on Article 18 of Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Procession Law was held on 6 November 2013 at the office of 88 Generation Peace and Open Society in Thingangyun Township, Yangon. The forum was attended by various types of civil society organizations including Human Rights and political activist […]
• • •ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္ေတာင္ပုိင္း၊ ပ်ဥ္းမနားအေရွ႕ဘက္ ေပါင္းေလာင္းျမစ္ေပၚတြင္ တည္ေဆာက္ ထားေသာ အထက္ေပါင္းေလာင္ဆည္ေၾကာင့္ ျဖစ္ေပၚလာေသာ အက်ဳိးဆက္မ်ားသည္ ျပည္သူ လူထုႏွင့္ ႏုိင္ငံေတာ္ အေပၚမ်ားစြာ ထိခုိက္မႈရွိေနသျဖင့္ ေပါင္းေလာင္းေဒသခံေကာ္မတီ၀င္မ်ားႏွင့္ ကယန္မ်ဳိးဆက္သစ္ လူငယ္အဖြဲ႕မွ ျပင္းထန္စြာ […]
• • • As the pace of reform has slowed in Burma/Myanmar during 2013, the potential for an inclusive political dialogue process to address the causes of conflict has increased. The sustainability of national reconciliation will require sensitivity to the concerns and aspirations of ethnic nationality communities in relation to identity, security and justice. This village-level survey describes the challenge of addressing chronic poverty, protracted displacement and weak governance at the community level in South East Myanmar as part of the conflict transformation process […]
Village Survey in Myanmar identifies challenges for poverty alleviation, displaced persons and local governance
The Border Consortium (TBC), an NGO that works with the displaced and conflict-affected people of Myanmar, today released findings from its annual survey which describe chronic poverty, protracted displacement and weak governance as the starting point for conflict transformation. Eleven civil society organisations in South East Myanmar collaborated with TBC to conduct the survey in 209 villages spread across 6 states and regions […]
• • •This report aims to clarify the complex processes of solving economic grievances related to the peace process. Examining how these efforts work and how the different actors, policies and projects make up a larger framework may help in assessing how well they respond to the roots of conflict. It especially tries to understand how the many different ministries, committees, international donors, CBOs, businesses (domestic and foreign) and NSAGs work together, overlap, or contradict each other in achieving economic and development goals for national peace […]
The Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN) organized a workshop on land and natural resource management on 18-20 October, 2013 at a location on the Thai-Karenni border. 48 participants from 16 local civil society groups attended the workshop and agreed to the following points […]
• • •ရန္ကုန္ ၊ ျမန္မာ
လာမည့္ ၂၀၁၄ ခုႏွစ္ အာဆီယံထိပ္သီးအစည္းအေ၀းမတိုင္မီက်င္းပမည့္ အာဆီယံလူထုညီလာခံ (ASEAN Civil Society Conference (ACSC)/ ASEAN People’s Forum (APF) တစ္ခုကိုပြင့္လင္းစြာႏွင့္ လူအမ်ား ပါ၀င္သည့္ညီလာခံအျဖစ္ က်င္းပႏိုင္ရန္အတြက္ လူထုအေျချပဳ အဖဲြ႔အစည္းမ်ားက ထိုညီလာခံက်င္းပရန္ႏွင့္ ပတ္သက္သည့္ ျပင္ဆင္မႈမ်ားအေၾကာင္းကို အသိေပး အေၾကာင္းၾကားလိုက္သည္။
• • •“Invisible Enemies” aims to inform different stakeholders — including the government, armed non-State actors, civil society, communities and villagers — about the short and long-term impact of landmines. At the same time, as everybody plays an important role in tackling the landmine problem, it also encourages all these stakeholders ‘to be part of the solution’ […]
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