The Network for Democracy and Development (NDD), a Burmese political organization based on the Thai-Burma border, is researching and distributing weekly reports summarizing political events in Burma regarding the SPDC’s Elections. These reports include information on the activities of the SPDC and USDA, opposition groups, armed ethnic groups, cease-fire groups, border guard forces, international governments […]
• • •The Network for Democracy and Development (NDD), a Burmese political organization based on the Thai-Burma border, is researching and distributing weekly reports summarizing political events in Burma regarding the SPDC’s Elections. These reports include information on the activities of the SPDC and USDA, opposition groups, armed ethnic groups, cease-fire groups, border guard forces, international governments […]
• • •အက်ဥ္းသားမ်ားအေနျဖင္႔ ေအာက္ပါအခြင့္အေရးမ်ားကို သက္ဆုိင္ရာေထာင္အာဏာပိုင္မ်ားထံသုိ႔ ၁ရ.၂.၂၀၁၀ ေန႔မွစ၍ ေတာင္းဆုိလုိက္သည္။ ၁။ သတင္းစာအပါအဝင္ စာေပဖတ္ရႈခြင့္ ျပည့္ျပည့္ဝဝရရွိေရး ၂။ က်န္းမာေရး ေစာင္႔ေရွာက္မႈ ျပည့္ျပည့္ဝဝရရွိေရး ၃။ အက်ဥ္းသားအားလုံး ပိုမုိေကာင္းမြန္ေသာ အစားအေသာက္ရရွိေရး ၄။ ႏုိင္ငံေရးအက်ဥ္းသားမ်ား အေဆာင္ပရဝုဏ္အတြင္း ေထာင္ပိ္တ္ခ်ိန္မွအပ အခ်ိန္ျပည့္သြားလာႏုိင္ေရး ၅။ စာေပ ေရးသားေလ့က်င့္ခြင့္ ရရွိေရး။ ေတာင္းဆုိရသည္႔အေၾကာင္းအရင္းမ်ား အခ်က္ ၁။ ။ သြင္းပို႔ေသာ စာအုပ္၊ မဂၢဇင္း၊ ဂ်ာနယ္ စသည္မ်ားကို တပါတ္၊ ဆယ္ရက္ၾကာမွ် ၾက့ံၾကာျခင္း၊ စာအုပ္မ်ားတြင္ ဆုတ္ၿဖဲပယ္ဖ်က္ျခင္း၊ ျဖတ္ေတာက္ျခင္း၊ သတင္းစာပုံမွန္မရရွိျခင္း၊ တခါတရံ လုံးဝမရျခင္း၊ ၂ရက္၃ရက္ၾကာမွ ရရွိျခင္း။ အခ်က္ ၂။ ။ ေသာက္ေဆး၊ ထုိးေဆး လုံေလာက္စြာမရျခင္း၊ ဆရာဝန္ႏွင့္ေတြ႔ရန္ ခက္ခဲၾက့ံၾကာျခင္း။ […]
• • •The Network for Democracy and Development (NDD), a Burmese political organization based on the Thai-Burma border, is researching and distributing weekly reports summarizing political events in Burma regarding the SPDC’s Elections. These reports include information on the activities of the SPDC and USDA, opposition groups, armed ethnic groups, cease-fire groups, border guard forces, international governments […]
• • •The Network for Democracy and Development (NDD), a Burmese political organization based on the Thai-Burma border, is researching and distributing weekly reports summarizing political events in Burma regarding the SPDC’s Elections. These reports include information on the activities of the SPDC and USDA, opposition groups, armed ethnic groups, cease-fire groups, border guard forces, international governments […]
• • •An extensive monthly chronology of events researched and distributed by the Network for Democracy and Development (NDD), a Burmese political organization based on the Thai-Burma border. These chronologies include information on the activities of the SPDC and USDA, opposition groups, armed ethnic groups, cease-fire groups, international governments and non-governmental organizations, and civilians inside Burma and […]
• • •The Network for Democracy and Development (NDD), a Burmese political organization based on the Thai-Burma border, is researching and distributing weekly reports summarizing political events in Burma regarding the SPDC’s Elections. These reports include information on the activities of the SPDC and USDA, opposition groups, armed ethnic groups, cease-fire groups, border guard forces, international governments […]
• • •# Today is an important day for the Palaung Nation because it marks 47 years of resistance against the dictatorship of the State Peace and Development Council.
# We appreciate and respect all those Palaung civilians, leaders, and comrades who have given their lives and blood for our struggle during the last 47 years.[…]
Civil society and international organizations should meanwhile develop a coordinated approach for gathering information about human rights violations in Burma, to help prepare for eventual prosecutions and other measures dealing with the military government’s long legacy of impunity. […]
• • •A proposal by the Movement for Democracy and Rights of Ethnic Nationalities, the most broad-based and multi-ethnic union of organizations on how Burma can achieve national reconciliation. An alternative to the military regime’s supposed “Seven-step Roadmap to Democracy”. […]
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