Over the years HURFOM has produced a number of accounts highlighting the hardships faced by Mon farmers who became victims of land confiscation or unjust land acquisition. In this report HURFOM follows-up on previously documented abuses and concentrates on an emerging new trend: farmers’ active and collective pursuits for rights to their land.
Disputed Territory aims to elaborate on the activities of and express solidarity with farmers who are resolutely, and in some cases for the first time, seeking justice regarding their land […]
Section 18 of the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Law is being frequently utilized to arrest and imprison political activists for undertaking human rights activism in Burma. AAPP (B) wishes to highlight the ongoing human rights abuses section 18 permits and to make the international community aware of the dangers this poses to the political freedom in Burma […]
• • •In its latest report, The Dark Side of Transition: Violence against Muslims in Myanmar, the International Crisis Group examines the recent violence against Muslim communities. Anti-Muslim violence is nothing new in Myanmar but has been growing in the past two years, the product of reduced authoritarian controls and a history of intolerant Burman/Buddhist nationalism. Issued on the day President Thein Sein begins a visit to Rakhine State, the centre of much violence, this report urges a stronger government effort to combat bigotry and protect its Muslim population […]
• • •Concluding a three-day visit to Myanmar, the Elders offer their support to the people of Myanmar during this exciting period of transition. They also encourage decision-makers responsible for the implementation of the political reform process to make further progress. This was The Elders’ first visit to Myanmar as a group […]
• • •A new video launched today by the Tavoyan Women’s Union (TWU) exposes how the Thai and Burmese developers of the Dawei deep sea port project are abusing local villagers’ rights. They are calling for an immediate suspension of the project.
The 15- minute video shows how the pristine beauty of the Tavoyan coast is being ravaged and the cultural heritage of the Tavoyan people being threatened by the port and industrial zone […]
• • •This paper is an analysis of the current situation with recommendations to the parties concerned. It is based on interviews with representatives of ethnic non-state armed groups (NSAGs), community-based organizations and civil society groups. On a state visit to the United Kingdom in July, President Thein Sein stated, “Very possibly, over the coming weeks, we will have a nationwide ceasefire and the guns will go silent everywhere in Myanmar for the first time in more than 60 years.” There is a significant gap in the pronouncements of the Thein Sein government and the realities of the ground situation in Burma’s ethnic areas: this paper seeks to explain that gap […]
• • •The Women’s Initiative Network for Peace (WIN-Peace) calls for the immediate release of Naw Ohn Hla and nine other women who were arrested following a peaceful protest against the Letpadaung copper mine in Monywa, Sagaing Region, on 13 August 2013. WIN-Peace also calls for an end to the judicial harassment […]
• • •ထား၀ယ္ၿမိဳ႕နယ္ ၊ ၀ဲကြ်န္းထိန္သစ္ရပ္ကြက္ ၊ကေျမာကင္းလမ္း၊ ကေျမာကင္းတံတားနံေဘး ၌လက္ရွိလယ္ စိုက္ပ်ဳိးလွ်က္ရွိေသာလယ္သမား ဦးစံလင္းအား ထား၀ယ္ခရုိင္အုက္ခ်ဳပ္ေရးမႉး ဦးေက်ာ္ေဆြ မွ ၁၈၇၆ ခုႏွစ္ ေျမယာႏွင့္ အခြန္ေတာ္ဥပေဒ ပုဒ္မ (ဏ ) ျဖင့္တရားစြဲဆိုကာ၂၆.၈.၂၀၁၃ (တနလၤာေန႕)တြင္ဒဏ္ေငြ (၂၀၀) ႏွင့္ေထာင္ဒဏ္(၁)လကို ထား၀ယ္ၿမိဳ႕နယ္ တရားသူႀကီး […]
• • •The representatives of 281 civil society organizations, community based organizations and networks from upper and lower Myanmar held the meeting with Hluttaw representatives on August 15 in Nyapyitaw regarding the proposed Association Draft Law. This is the outcome of the Myanmar civil society organizations’ efforts reaching out to the Legislature and raising […]
• • •ရွစ္ေလးလံုုး ဒီမိုုကေရစီ အေရးေတာ္ပံုု ေငြရတုုအခမ္းအနားသိုု႔ တက္ေရာက္လာေသာ ျပည္တြင္း၊ ျပည္ပ၊ နယ္စပ္ အသီသီး ရွိ ၈၈ မ်ိဳးဆက္အင္အားစုုမ်ား၊ ဒီမိုုကေရစီပါတီမ်ား၊ တိုင္းရင္းသားပါတီမ်ားနွင္႔ လက္နက္ကိုင္ အင္အားစုမ်ား၊ လူထုအေျချပဳအင္အားစုမ်ားနွင္႔ မ်ိဳးဆက္သစ္လူငယ္အင္အားစုမ်ား၊ လယ္သမား၊ အလုပ္သမား မ်ားအပါအဝင္ အလႊာစံုျပည္သူမ်ားသည္ ၂၀၁၃ ခုႏွစ္ ၾသဂုတ္လ ၆ ရက္၊ ၇ ရက္ေန႔မ်ားတြင္ စုစည္းညီညြတ္စြာ ေတြ႕ဆံု၍ ေဆြးေႏြး၍ […]
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