The Nobel Women’s Initiative welcomes the United States’ support for an United Nations commission of inquiry into human rights abuses in Burma. The U.S recently announced that it will join Britain, Australia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia in actively supporting the inquiry, to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Burmese military regime.
• • •Canadian Friends of Burma and Burma Campaign UK have joined forces to call on the Canadian government to support a UN Commission of Inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma.
For many years the United Nations has been documenting horrific human rights abuses which may constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity […]
• • •Raise Commission of Inquiry in UN Resolution on Burma
(Brussels) – European Union member states should publicly support the establishment of an international Commission of Inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma ahead of the United Nations General Assembly in September, Human Rights Watch said in a to EU foreign ministers today […]
• • •By Marwaan Macan-Markar
When a UN human rights investigator for Burma called for an international inquiry to look into possible war crimes by the country’s military regime, he added significant weight to similar calls that had been made in other quarters.
But that call in March by Tomas Ojea Quintana, as part of a scathing 30-page report delivered to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, has come back to haunt the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar, as Burma is also known.[…]
• •Groups around the world are preparing to launch a new photo petition in support of ongoing international campaigns calling for a commission of inquiry and opposing the military regime’s elections this year.
We hope you will join in this photo petition to send a strong message that people around the world have not and will not forget about the severe human rights violations carried out by successive military regimes against the people of Burma […]
Crowley Urges Action on Crimes Against Humanity Following UN Findings
Today, Congressman Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) praised the unanimous passage of H.J. Res. 83, a resolution led by the Congressman that extends sanctions on Burma. Specifically, the measure continues the ban on imports from Burma […]
• • •While leaders of G20 are meeting in Toronto, Parliamentary Friends of Burma (PFOB) and Canadian Friends of Burma (CFOB) are calling upon the Government of Canada and other world leaders to support an establishment of an UN’s “Commission of Inquiry” on “crimes against humanity” in Burma […]
• • •Thank you, Mr. President. The United States appreciates the opportunity to bring to the Council’s attention the following country specific situations:
• In Burma, the grim human rights situation documented for us in March by Special Rapporteur Ojea Quintana remains grim.[…]
The European Parliament today unanimously passed a strong resolution on Burma, stating that election laws make free elections ‘impossible’ and the new constitution will ‘maintain a dictatorship in a civilian guise’.
The European Parliament also called EU member states to support the recommendation by the UN Special Rapporteur on Burma for a United Nations Commission of Inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma […]
A UNSC Commission of Inquiry is needed to protect Burma’s people
In January to March 2010, the SPDC continued to perpetrate crimes against humanity and war crimes with total impunity, highlighting the urgent need for a UN Security Council-mandated Commission of Inquiry into crimes against humanity and war crimes in Burma […]