The Council adopted the following conclusions:
The Council recalls the adoption in 2001 of the European Guidelines on human rights dialogues, revised in 2008.
The Council recognizes the importance of further strengthening the relationship between the European Union and Myanmar/Burma by establishing an EU-Myanmar/Burma Human Rights dialogue, as foreseen in the Council Conclusions on the Comprehensive Framework for the European Union’s policy and support to Myanmar/Burma of 22 July 2013 and agreed during the EU-Myanmar/Burma Task Force held on 13-15 November 2013 […]
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
“The Council welcomes and endorses the attached Comprehensive Framework consisting of priorities for the European Union’s policy and support in the next three years to the on-going reforms in Myanmar/Burma. This Framework sets forth EU’s goals and priorities geared towards building a lasting partnership and promoting closer engagement with the country as a whole […]
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