The situation in Rakhine State is grim, in part due to a mix of long-term historical tensions between the Rakhine and Rohingya communities, socio-political conflict, socio-economic underdevelopment, and a long-standing marginalization of both Rakhine and Rohingya by the Government of Burma […]
• • •Ms. Lee, we welcome your report and share your concerns regarding the breadth of major human rights challenges Myanmar faces […]
• • •I thank you for the opportunity to once again address this august Human Rights Council on the developments in Myanmar. 8 November 2015 will be remembered as a watershed moment in the history of the country […]
• • •Starting from the 3rd week of February, Myanmar Tatmadaw (MT, or Burma Army) made offensive preparations by sending in an overwhelming force of over 500-truck load of reinforcement, and by the beginning of March, it had deployed its troops against the various operational areas of the Ta’ang Army (TNLA) and started the offensive […]
• • •On this International Women’s Day 2016, KWO recognizes and pays tribute to all women around the world who dedicate their lives to fighting for women’s human rights, equality, justice and women’s participation in decision making at all levels […]
• • •Firstly, we would like to extend our best wishes to Your Excellency and members of
government of the United Kingdom. We are members of civil society based organizations of
Burma/Myanmar, and we have the honor to submit our appeal letter to Your Excellency, with
much reverence […]
ရခိုင္ျပည္နယ္ ေျမပံုၿမိဳ႕နယ္က ငမန္းရဲကၽြန္းတာတမံ ဆည္ဖို႔ရာမွာ စီးပြားေရး လုပ္ငန္းရွင္ေတြရဲ႕ ပုစြန္ကန္ေတြကို ခ်န္လွပ္ၿပီး ဆည္ဖို႔ေနတာေၾကာင့္ ေဒသခံ ၅၀၀ ေလာက္က ဒီေန႔ ဆႏၵျပကန္႔ကြက္ၾကပါတယ္ […]
• • •The year 2015 will be remembered as a momentous year for Burma/Myanmar as the National League for Democracy (NLD), led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, clinched an emphatic victory in the 8 November polls. However, the main challenges that impede a full and genuine democratic transition remain.
1. A team from the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission comprising of Members U Zaw Win and Dr. Nyan Zaw accompanied by two staff members visited the prison, police lock-up and district hospital guard ward in Hkamti township of Sagaing Region on the 18 and 19 February 2016 […]
• • •Authorities failed to address rising religious intolerance and incitement to discrimination and violence against Muslims, allowing hardline Buddhist nationalist groups to grow in power and influence ahead of the November general elections […]
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