On April 22, Debbie Stothard (Altsean Burma), Aung Moe Zaw (Democratic Party for a New Society) and Min Min (ex-political prisoner representing Assistance Association for Political Prisoners Burma) visited the Swedish parliament to give an update about the situation in Burma leading up to the junta’s elections later this year. At the seminar, the three panelists stressed the importance of Sweden and the EU not recognizing the electoral process or its outcome […]
The Ten Alliances of Burma’s democracy and ethnic rights movement expressed support for the European Union’s renewal of its Common Position on Burma for another year, which also extended economic sanctions on the military regime […]
• • •The European Karen Network welcomes the council conclusions of the European Union (EU) on Monday 26 April 2010, which called on Burma’s military dictatorship to end violations of international human rights and humanitarian law and to enter into dialogue with opposition and ethnic nationalities […]
• • •Burma Campaign UK today welcomed the renewal of European Union (EU) sanctions against Burma for a further year, and a call by the European Union for Burma to “end to violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.” In March the UN Special Rapporteur on Burma called for a UN Commission of Inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma.
• • •Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK today welcomed the European Parliament resolution of 10th February 2010 which mentions that Burma’s planned elections 2010 cannot be free and fair. The resolution also supports tri-partite dialogue and strongly condemns the ongoing systematic violations of human rights fundamental freedoms and basic democratic rights of the people of Burma. They expressed their […]
• • •The Burma Campaign UK today welcomed a statement by Foreign Office Minister Ivan Lewis MP that; “The UK will not support any easing of sanctions in the absence of tangible progress on the ground.” On Thursday the European Parliament also called on EU governments not to relax sanctions until there is; ‘tangible progress on democratisation.’ […]
• • •The European Parliament today passed a new resolution on Burma, stating that under present conditions Burma’s planned elections cannot be free and fair. As thousands of Karen people flee a new military offensive in Karen State, Burma, the Parliament also demanded an end to systematic forced displacement, and for an end to impunity for crimes […]
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