s the first century ends and 2011 begins as the Global Centenary Year of International Women’s Day Celebration, we start to reflect again on what we have achieved, what our hits and misses were, and be guided by the lessons […]
• • •Filipino solidarity activists, mostly women, under the Free Burma Coalition – Philippines (FBC-Phils) today held a rally in front of the Burma (Myanmar) embassy to welcome the release from house arrest of Burma’s democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi […]
The ruling military junta of Burma (The State Peace and Development Council)
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
The United Nations (UN) & The UN Security Council
First of all to the military generals of Burma, please accept our heartfelt congratulations on your recent ‘selection’ of the next batch of oppressors in Burma. Rest assured that your 2010 multi-party elections will be as historic as your 1990 national polls. We know that deep within your hearts, fooling your people twice through elections is a great honor […]
• • •With only 15 days to go before the scheduled November 7 multi-party elections in Burma, solidarity activists under the Free Burma Coalition – Philippines (FBC-Phils) today staged a rally in front of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) as part of the Global Day of Action denouncing what they call Burma’s “military elections” […]
• • •About a hundred of Filipino solidarity activists under the Free Burma Coalition – Philippines (FBC-Phils) today joined the international commemoration of the 3rd anniversary of the historic Saffron Revolution in Burma where thousands of peaceful demonstrators led by Buddhist monks, nuns, students and ordinary citizens took to the streets of Rangoon and provincial centers as they demanded social, economic and political changes to the Burmese military junta […]
• • •End Injustice In Burma! Denounce SPDC’s 2010 Elections
To visualize the gravity of the crimes against humanity committed by Burma’s military regime, about a hundred of solidarity activists under the Free Burma Coalition-Philippines (FBC-Phils) today held a rally in front of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and urged the Philippine government to pledge its support to the ongoing international campaigns calling for the creation of a UN commission of inquiry to investigate possible crimes against humanity in Burma[…]
• • •About one hundred members of the Free Burma Coalition – Philippines (FBC-Phils) held an action in front of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs office in Manila to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the 8-8-88 people’s uprising in Burma. The demonstrators called on the Philippine government to denounce the national elections being planned by the SPDC military junta in Burma amidst the junta’s continued crimes against its people […]
Activists from the Free Burma Coalition Philippines have called for stronger policies and more concrete action on democratisation in Burma from the new Aquino administration, which was sworn in yesterday […]
• •About a hundred activists, mostly women, representing different Philippine organizations read poetry and sang songs dedicated to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all the women of Burma in front of the SPDC Myanmar Embassy in Makati City. This is in celebration of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s 65th birthday (June 19) and the “Women of Burma Day” […]
Solidarity activists, mostly women under the Free Burma Coalition – Philippines (FBC-Phils) today staged a rally in front of the Myanmar (Burma) Embassy in Makati City as part of the international celebration of the 65th birthday of Burma’s democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi […]
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