Ahead of a regional meeting hosted by Thailand tomorrow, Amnesty International calls on the governments of Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand to prioritise protection of the human rights of migrants and refugees in any action directed at combating human trafficking and managing irregular migration. The government of Thailand is hosting the 2nd Special Meeting on Irregular Migration in the Indian Ocean on 4 December 2015 in Bangkok […]
• • •Myanmar’s jade business may be the biggest natural resource heist in modern history. The sums of money involved are almost incomprehensibly high and the levels of accountability are at rock bottom. One of the most dominant and dangerous groups involved is a collection of companies controlled by Myanmar’s most famous drug lord, Wei Hsueh Kang […]
Southeast Asia’s most notorious narcotics trafficker has become one of the most powerful figures in the country’s corrupt, abusive jade business, a new Global Witness report reveals today […]
• • •On November 8, 2015, millions of voters across Burma went to the polls. Citizens seized the opportunity to exercise their right to vote in the freest election the country had seen for at least 25 years. In many ways this was an astonishing moment for democracy in Burma. However, as international media coverage praised largely successful election processes and excitement abounded at the poll’s outcome, relatively few column inches were dedicated to those left behind as this historic event took place […]
Today the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) releases ‘Burma 2015: Ballot Denied’, a report focussing on November’s national elections in Burma […]
• • •Today marks the third anniversary of the police crackdown at Letpadaung, a joint venture between Burmese and Chinese military companies to develop Southeast Asia’s largest copper mine […]
• • •Myanmar’s government stands accused of putting profits before human rights at the Letpadaung copper mine, with continued detention of activists and continued refusal to investigate use of white phosphorous against peaceful protestors, said Amnesty International today […]
• • •Shan community organizations are today holding a press conference in Bangkok to urge the international community to break its silence on the war crimes being committed by Burmese government troops in central Shan State […]
• • •The Shan Human Rights Foundation (SHRF) has documented eight cases of sexual violence committed by Burmese government troops in southern and eastern Shan State since April 2015, all in so-called “ceasefire” areas. These cases reveal continuing patterns of impunity, and highlight that ongoing militarization and offensives by the Burma Army despite ceasefires are a key factor threatening women’s security in ethnic areas […]
• • •All women and girls, no matter where they live, have the fundamental right to be free from violence. This Report examined the extent to which women and girls who live in the seven Karen-majority camps along the Thai-Burma border enjoy, and can exercise, this fundamental human right. Specifically, this study examined 289 cases of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) against women in Mae Ra Ma Luang, Mae La Oon, Mae La, Umpiem Mai, Noh Poe, Ban Don Yang and Htam Hin refugee camps from 2011 to 2013 to determine the factors contributing to official reporting of crimes as well as the justice system’s response to such crimes […]